Garland of Balls

It's no secret that balls are always associated with a holiday and joy. A garland of balls with your own hands is a great way to please a child on his birthday or other important day. If you once inflated the ball, then you will definitely be able to make an original decoration to an important event.

How to make a garland of balls?

We offer you step-by-step instructions for creating such an ornament for your home. The first thing you need to buy balls. It is best to weave garlands of balls suitable latex. They are sold in packages and are inexpensive.

  1. To make the process go faster, it is better to immediately inflate all the balls in advance.
  2. In this master class, the author proposes to make a garland of balls of two colors. To link pairs of balls, it is enough just to tie them with each other.
  3. Making a garland of balls begins with fixing the line between two fixed objects.
  4. Now start slowly twisting the blanks around the line. It should be done very carefully, so that the line does not cut the balls or injure the fingers.
  5. In the end, you get this kind of harvest in the form of chamomile. Then we begin to fasten the remaining workpieces in a similar way. Gradually begin to build up our garland. To get a twisted garland of balls, every following "daisy" must be fastened according to the scheme: each next ball must be between the two previous ones, and it should always be one color.

Garland of balls with your own hands: useful tips

Based on such a step-by-step master class, you can make several different design options. You can only use "deuces" (two balls connected together), then you will end up with a four-cornered shape and two longitudinal strips. If you use "triples", you can make a spiral pattern by moving the balls relative to each other. If you use just three colors of blanks, you get a garland of tricolor made of balls. It looks very impressive combination of blanks of different sizes, they can be different colors and shapes, which makes it possible to create something unique.

Installation of a garland of balls primarily depends on the length and external conditions. If the string experiences heavy loads (weight of the finished structure and various external factors), it must be strong enough. As a rule, a line about 1 mm in diameter is used. Remember also the fact that under the weight of the construction the line can stretch and this will lead to the creep and curvature of the pattern. If you make additional fixing points, then the binding should be done only to the line, but not to the balls.

For one meter of fishing line you can fit about 16, 28 or 40 balls in length of 30 cm, 25 cm, 10 cm, respectively. To produce a large garland of balls about three meters, you will need 150 balls.

If you are just starting to master aerodesign, try making a flat garland of balls. To do this, you need to make a familiar blank in the form of chamomile. And then attach another ball of smaller size to the center. It will look something like a flower with a middle. Make a garland of balls is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

This design in the house can last up to three weeks. On the street no more than three days. If you want to make a decoration for a room, it is better to take balls of 25 and 10 centimeters. Never tie the workpieces very tightly to each other, or your garland will start to warp. To prevent the drawing from shifting, it is better to fix the extreme link with several turns of the line. If the filler is air, then you can build layers one on top of the other vertically, and when working with helium, you will have to fix the line between the two fixed currents and fix the workpieces horizontally.