Affirmations for weight loss

Any girl knows: the most difficult thing is to tune in to lose weight , make a decision that from now on - a new way of life. You can try a variety of ways, including - affirmations for weight loss. But do not assume that affirmations are such magic phrases from which you will grow thin by yourself. They will only help you to remove your psychological blocks and wrong settings like "I'll never lose weight". As soon as you begin to believe in the result, it will be easier for you to achieve it!

Who needs positive affirmations?

Our body is a complex unity of the psyche and the physical shell, which interact at a deep level. If you are sure that you do not have the willpower, and you can not lose weight - you give your body an attitude that they do not intend to go to their goal. And in the end it turns out that you "break" or do not start eating right. But positive affirmations are designed to help you change your internal attitudes, believe in changes and, most importantly, adjust your organism to them.

You just need the right affirmations for weight loss, if you constantly admit such thoughts:

Why are these thoughts destructive? It's simple. If you condemn stars or models, you say to the consciousness "to be thin is bad!", And the body struggles to resist your weight loss measures. If you say to yourself "I will never lose weight", the body perceives this as a team! And if you are looking for excuses and do not recognize that your problems are from improper diet and sedentary lifestyle, then you are adjusting yourself to the fact that nothing depends on you, and nothing is worth changing - it still will not work.

In order to lose weight, you need to set yourself an exact goal, give it a realistic time (normal, healthy weight loss goes at a rate of about 4 kg per month, 1 kg per week, respectively). And most importantly - to recognize that your weight is your fault, and that you are ready to correct the situation by all methods, because achieving your goal for you is more important than momentary weakness before the cake.

Examples of affirmations for weight loss

So, strong affirmations are positive statements that should replace your negative attitudes. They should like you. Repeat them is best several times a day - for example, in the morning and in the evening.

So, what affirmations will help you lose weight?

  1. It's easy for me to give up harmful food.
  2. I'm getting slimmer and more attractive every day.
  3. I easily get rid of excess weight.
  4. I'm beautiful here and now, but I'm getting better.
  5. I like doing sports.
  6. I like fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy food in general.
  7. Every day I notice that I'm becoming slimmer.
  8. Losing weight is easy for me.
  9. I'm more beautiful than ever.
  10. I'm happy to have a slim and beautiful body.

This list can and should be supplemented with those details that are relevant to you directly. They should completely cover up all your negative thoughts that losing weight is difficult and painful, and you will never succeed. Every time you catch yourself on this thought, immediately remember the appropriate affirmation. Soon you will train your consciousness, and it will believe in your words, and at the same time losing weight will go faster and easier. The better and more regularly you work on yourself, the sooner you will get results.