Hematogen - benefit

Hematogen contains a complex of nutrients that favorably affects the work of many systems and organs of the human body. It was developed in the post-revolutionary years as a unique iron-containing drug. In protein-bound form, iron is easily absorbed into the blood, does not irritate the stomach, completely dissolving in the digestive tract, that is, it has a high degree of digestibility.

Composition of hematogen

Hematogen contains a lot of iron, which stimulates the formation of new red blood cells. Prepare it from defibrinated dry blood of cattle, adding honey, ascorbic acid, condensed milk and flavor enhancers. Externally, the hematogen looks like a chocolate bar. This little treat is an indispensable source of amino acids , carbohydrates, minerals, healthy fats and various vitamins. The composition of the hematogen is as close as possible to the composition of human blood, which influences well the metabolic processes in our body.

Hematogen increases hemoglobin, promotes hemopoiesis and improves metabolic processes. This product is rich in vitamin A, which means that its regular use contributes to the restoration of vision, skin functions, hair growth and growth of the whole organism, which is especially important in childhood and adolescence.

In what cases is it necessary to use hematogen?

The amount of iron in various preparations of the hematogen is different, so it must be strictly adhered to. This product is shown with reduced hemoglobin, frequent bleeding, malnutrition, after infectious diseases. The use of hematogen is invaluable in chronic diseases of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, with visual impairments, growth retardation and dry skin. This product is also taken for the prevention of avitaminosis.

Is hematogen useful?

Useful properties of hematogen are that it improves digestion, vision, metabolic processes and strengthens the mucous membranes. Good effect on the respiratory system due to increased stability of bronchial membranes. This product is extremely useful for children and adolescents, especially those who lack appetite. Hematogen and hemoglobin - these two words are often consumed together, as the hematogen raises a low level of hemoglobin.

Contraindications to the use of hematogen

Harm from the hematogen is extremely rare, but it is also possible. All good things should be in moderation. Uncontrolled overduration or combination of hematogen with incompatible drugs can harm the human body. To avoid a negative effect before using hematogen it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Due to the fact that this product includes digestible carbohydrates, it can not be taken with obesity and diabetes. It is forbidden to use hematogen in pregnancy, thrombophlebitis and hypersensitivity to the drug. It should be borne in mind that with some types of anemia, the hematogen can not exert positive dynamics. This is due to the fact that not always anemia is caused by iron deficiency. It must be borne in mind that prolonged use of this drug can cause an allergic reaction and upset stomach.

Hematogen in the diet

You can not call a hematogen an alternative to sweets because of its high calorie content. In 100 grams of the product contains 340 kcal. For a diet, you can choose less-calorie sweet foods.