What kind of nuts can you eat while losing weight?

Nuts are rich in proteins that can saturate the body for a long time, vegetable fats, which the body absorbs more easily than animals, as well as a mass of useful microelements. Many women are wondering whether it is possible to eat nuts when losing weight. In fact, with the rational use of this product, you can get rid of extra pounds.

Benefits of nuts

One of the most useful nuts is hazelnuts. In 100 grams of the product contains 707 calories. But, despite this, women who are interested in what kind of nuts you can eat while losing weight, it is worth paying attention to these nuts. Hazel is perfectly absorbed by the body, and therefore gain weight when using it, it is quite difficult.

In occasion of, whether it is possible to eat walnuts at growing thin, it is necessary to make an inclination in their advantage. They are not only less caloric than hazelnuts, they are also reliable suppliers of mineral salts and useful fatty acids, iodine, and also vitamins C and E.

Cashew is a variety of nuts, with the use of which increases immunity and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Also you should not forget about pine nuts, peanuts and almonds - they help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, improve the condition of the hair, skin and nails.

Nut Diet

That nuts at losing weight have brought advantage, instead of harm, it is impossible to use them in unlimited quantity. On a nut-free unloading day, you can eat only 100 grams of any nuts. During the day, it is important to drink a lot of clean water - at least 1.5 liters. For 1 day of such a diet can get rid of an average of 1 kilogram excess weight. And yet, for those who think about whether it is possible to eat nuts in the evening when losing weight, it is worth noting that in no case can this be done.