Jam from mulberry at home

Mulberry berries are wonderful not only fresh, but also as a basis for harvesting for the winter: compotes , jam, jams. A light acidity does not make the delicacy excessively sugary, as it happens with the more popular raspberries and strawberries, and a deep black-violet shade gives the varnish a remarkable appearance from an aesthetic point of view.

How to cook jam from mulberry?

Just some 20 minutes and the base jam of mulberry will be displayed on your table. Further delicacy can be tasted without delay, and you can pour on sterile cans and roll. The jam is kept open for no more than 3 weeks.



If you are going to roll jam from mulberry for the winter, then put a couple of liter cans to be sterilized over a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. In the neighborhood, place the covers.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine the berries with sugar and pour them with water. After boiling, cook the mulberries for about a minute, reduce heat and leave the brew for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally and taking off the foam from the surface.

Distribute even hot jam on sterile containers, roll up and set to cool for at least 8 hours.

Jam from mulberry in multivark

Unpleasant can not be called a recipe for jam on the stove, but if you have a multivark at your fingertips, the entire process is simplified a hundredfold. It is easy to remember not only the technique, but also the recipe itself: it is enough to take the mulberry berries and granulated sugar in 1: 1 proportions, put everything in the bowl of the device, switch on the "Quenching" mode and leave the jam to cook for an hour.

Jam from mulberry in a bread maker

Jam from mulberries is brewed in the bread maker as easily as in the multivark, but in order to slightly diversify the recipe, we decided to mix mulberry berries with strawberries for a berry flavor.



Since in the device the cooking time is set automatically, according to the selected mode. For cooking jam from mulberry at home, you need to mix strawberries with mulberry and sugar right in the bowl, turn on the option "Gem" and leave to prepare for the sound signal.

Jam from mulberry "Pyatiminutka"

Despite the fact that the intriguing name promises us an amazing speed of cooking, in fact, in order to make jam of mulberries ready in 5 minutes, the berries should be with sugar for at least 6 hours before they soften and start the juice.

Take an equivalent amount of berries and granulated sugar. Mix the mulberry with sugar, leave it for 6-8 hours, then cook over medium heat for 5 minutes after boiling and refrigerate for another 5-6 hours before serving, but this is not the last stage of cooking, because the refreshment is then put on the fire for another 10 minutes. In the final, the jam is combined with the juice of half a lemon.

Marmalade from mulberry for the winter



To save berries from insects, the washed mulberry is left in a saline solution (a quarter of a glass of salt per liter of water) for 5 minutes, and then thoroughly washed with cold water. The berries are mildly kneaded with a wooden spoon, covered with sugar, sprinkled with lemon juice and put on fire. When the jam becomes thick, remove the foam from its surface, add spices and pour on sterile jars.