What is procrastination?

Many people do not know what procrastination is , although this phenomenon is very common in our society and to some extent inherent in almost all people. This is a shirking, postponing important matters that will still have to be done. As a result, this leads to serious problems, both in life and in professional activity.

And this is not laziness?

No, laziness and procrastination are completely different things. If a person does not do something because of laziness, he feels fine, enjoying a completely deserved rest. On the contrary, a person suffering from procrastination experiences anxiety, fear, which in the long term becomes the cause of stress.

In other words, the idler is happy, doing nothing, and the poor fellow with procrastination is constantly scorned by a conscience, demanding immediate action, but the person does not have "moral strength" for this.


Hence, if there is a problem - procrastination, - its symptoms should be known to everyone.

A person suffering from this psychological disorder, seeks to postpone all important cases "for later", especially if there is a lot of time for their implementation. He deals with anything, but not necessary. He hangs VKontakte or in Odnoklassniki, puts solitaire, tells colleagues about growing rabbits or drinks tea. In other words, struggling to delay the moment when it is still necessary to get down to business.

As a result, he falls far short of being forced to do all the work at an accelerated pace, which naturally affects its quality and causes criticism of the authorities or the displeasure of teachers, if it is a question of who else is studying.

This scenario is not performed occasionally (a particular job does not like it), but always and as a result leads to severe psychological consequences.

What to do?

As for the reasons for this phenomenon, scientists have no common opinion. They call the most diverse, and no one version explains all the facts. So, without knowing what procrastination means as a psychological problem, what is its origin, it is impossible to eliminate its cause and it is necessary to work with its consequences.

To overcome procrastination, it is usually recommended to use time management techniques, they can be found on the Internet. Their essence boils down to the fact that everything is necessary - absolutely everything, large and small, - to divide the business into 4 groups:

  1. Important and non-urgent (to graduate from the institute, to become the head of the department ...).
  2. Important and urgent (finish the diploma, buy medicine, take the report ...).
  3. Unimportant and urgent (go to the anniversary, watch your favorite movie ...).
  4. Unimportant and non-urgent (often "chronofagi" (devourers of time): chat on the phone or chat on the net, chat with the shops, play cards ...).

Based on the analysis of these cases, a list of cases is drawn up, starting with the important and urgent ones. And it is fulfilled, but starting from anywhere with such a calculation that the cases from different groups alternate. At the same time it is necessary to adhere to the regulations and be sure to allocate time for rest.

Find out your type of procrastination?