Cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes

Preparing the cake at home takes away the lion's share of time from the housewives. And if you do not have time to bake a dessert with your own hand, you can use ready-made biscuit cakes , soak them with cream of your choice and get an equally interesting and very worthy alternative to a full-fledged home-made cake.

We offer several options for preparing a cake from ready-made sponge cakes according to simple recipes. In a short time you will be able to provide your menu with a delicious and exquisite dessert.

How to make a cake from ready-made sponge cakes?

To make a cake for this recipe, we need finished biscuit cakes, cream with a high percentage of fat, suitable for whipping and any thick jam or jam for your taste. As a filling, we will also use marshmallows . It should be, certainly, natural, without additives and good quality. Another ingredient for the cake will be juicy and sweet orange fruits. The number of ingredients depends on the size of the cake, the desired amount of cream at the base of the product, as well as the desired sweetness of the dessert.

Cream whisk with a mixer or blender until a thick and lush mass.

Marshmallows cut into plates, each time moistening the knife with boiled cold water. Orange fruits are peeled and peeled and cut into slices.

Now we collect the cake. The surface of the first cake is first smeared with jam or jam, we distribute the marshmallow plates on top, cover with a layer of whipped cream and lay out the orange slices. Again a layer of cream and cover with the following cake. Repeat all the previous steps again, cover with the third crust, cover the surface of the cake with cream and decorate the top with slices of marshmallow and orange. From above you can sprinkle the sides and top of the product with chocolate chips or any confectionery powder. Ready cake should soak for several hours and will be ready for use.

As you noticed, we do not add sugar to the cream. The sweetness of dessert can be adjusted by the amount of marshmallow and jam, and the oranges replaced with any other soft fruit or berries.

This cake is incredibly tender and delicious. Zephyr dissolves in cream and forms a delicious cream that, combined with orange slices, creates an inexpressible taste sensation.

Recipe for cake from ready-made sponge cakes with condensed milk



An indispensable condition for an ideal result when preparing a cream for a cake is the same temperature of all the components used. Therefore, they need some time to stand at room temperature.

Combine in a deep bowl of soft butter with boiled condensed milk and first mix the mass with a spoon, and then break with a mixer or blender until fluffy and homogeneous. Add the usual condensed milk, vanilla sugar and whisk again. If desired, if the cake is intended for an adult audience, you can add a little cognac, brandy, Madeira or rum to the cream and split again with a mixer. Cream for the cake made from ready-made sponge cakes is ready, we can proceed with the design of the dessert.

If desired, you can soak a little bit of the cake syrup from canned fruit or any other impregnation to your taste. But if used cakes thin, it is better not to do so not to get too soggy dessert.

For each cake we apply a layer of the prepared cream and distribute the desired filler, which can be any soft fresh or canned fruit or berries, as well as ground nuts. We collect the cake, placing the cakes on each other, and decorate the top of the product to your liking.

We leave the finished cake for a few hours or at night to soak in a cool place.