How to grow a lemon at home?

We all know lemon - an evergreen perennial plant. In nature it grows in a subtropical climate, reaching an eight-meter height. Many amateur growers are interested in whether it is possible to grow a lemon at home and how to do it.

How to grow a lemon on a windowsill?

The lemon reproduces in two ways: with the help of cuttings and seeds. It is believed that the lemon that raised the house from the seed will grow strong and strong, more resistant to disease. The tree grown from the seed will begin to bear fruit after 8-10 years, and the one obtained from the cuttings - twice as much.

For planting, select seeds from several ripe fruits, extract them and immediately plant them in soil consisting of flower soil and peat. At the bottom of a small pot or long box do not forget to put a layer of drainage. On top of the seeds, sprinkle a layer of soil 1 cm. Water regularly, avoiding overmoistening.

In 10-14 days, the first sprouts will appear. Selecting the strongest of them, cover them with jars and transfer them to a warm, bright place. Once a day, the jar needs to be removed for a short time. When two real leaves appear on the plants, transplant the seedlings together with a clod of earth into separate pots, without forgetting to lay the drainage on the bottom. When the lemon grows to 20 cm in height, one more transplant will be needed.

As a rule, to grow a lemon from a cut, you can buy it or take it from someone who grows this plant. The thickness of the twig should be about 5 mm, and the length - 10 cm on each cuttings should be 2-3 leaves and 3-4 buds. We put the twigs for three days in the water. Then we dig them in for rooting into boxes with a mixture of humus, flower soil and sand. Every day, it is necessary to spray the cuttings and keep the temperature in the room within 25 ° C. After about 45 days, the lemon will take root. After that, you can transplant it into a small, preferably clay pot.

When the lemon tree blossoms, it must be pollinated, transferring the pollen from the flower anther to the stamen for this with a cotton bud.

As you can see, to grow a lemon at home is quite possible for anyone, you need to be patient with it and provide the plant with proper care.