How to make her husband jealous and afraid to lose?

If a woman wants to splash in the flames of family feelings a little oil in the form of jealousy , she will need the least - having studied the options suggested by the psychologist, to make her husband jealous.

Next - some tips on how to make her husband jealous and afraid to lose.

How to make a husband jealous - advice of a psychologist

  1. For starters, you should ignore it a little. As a rule, men quickly get used to the fact that the wife is available on the first phone call. But you can not answer the calls from him, saying, by the way, that the call was not heard and probably was busy.
  2. Do not forget about the appearance. Make-up whenever possible - it's better to use catchy. Of course, the hapless husband will ask: "Why are you looking like this?" And if such a question is asked aloud, then the answer will be very simple - it's all just for him. But anyway, this step will give rise to jealousy, because such an explanation will not convince him anyway. If the appearance of a woman is impeccable, men will look at her, and this is necessary for her husband to be proud of his wife, and, looking after the departing admirer, did not feel jealous, but caught himself thinking "this is my woman."
  3. If necessary, come home with a bouquet of flowers. Or let him bring home, at the request of the woman herself (of course, the husband of this order, or rather the identity of the customer should not know). The mere thought of a possible admirer will push her husband to do something nice for a woman. He will be jealous.
  4. When watching a movie together, it is desirable to drop a phrase in passing that the actor on the screen likes you very much, with this you can and on the edge of the earth. But it is known that a man is unlikely to want to give up his wife (albeit theoretically) even to a very famous actor.
  5. And finally - perhaps the most intriguing advice on how to make an ex-husband jealous. If the husband has already parted from you, it is necessary to appear at some event, where he is present, with a gentleman. So you can find out if he still has feelings for a woman. After all, in this situation, a man still loving a woman would probably do something.

How to make her husband jealous and appreciate?

Experts confirm that, as if the man did not depreciate the relationship, he will avoid situations that threaten the loss of relations with his wife. But there is one "but" here. As much as he did not avoid them, he does it unconsciously. And here it is important to say openly what is expected of him. Further - some secrets of how to do so that a man has a fear of losing what he has.

The first is to reduce control over it. Do not need to ask in detail who he spent time with, where he was. It is not necessary and periodically nazvanivat, in this situation it is necessary to give him freedom, which he so appreciates and loves.

It is also worth starting to take his hobbies, to think about common interests. A woman does not need to go fishing with him if he is an angler. But to know some specifics of fishing of course you need. And the man will certainly appreciate this interest.

How to make your husband jealous - advice from men

In addition to all the above, you need to determine the amount of time that the pair spends separately. If it's not there, then it's worth adding it to the schedule. This time will help the partners relax from each other.

Do not constantly harass your husband with questions like: "With whom did you rested yesterday?". He himself will tell if he considers it possible. In such situations, a woman can act in a similar way.

Do not involve him in studies that he does not like. For example - joint walks in the shops. After all, if you imagine yourself in its place, then the trip to the store for spare parts to a woman is also unlikely to like it.

Do not use as a weapon a demonstration of your own jealousy, even if he looked towards another woman, it is worth remembering that most often it happens instinctively. For your own comfort, you can also look at passing men.

These same options and tips can be applied to men who think about how to make a husband jealous of his wife.