Is it possible to deceive a polygraph?

What can make you nervous, wake up in the middle of the night from only one thought, walk all day like a restless one? The lie detector disturbs the consciousness of many. After all, there are many situations in which this terrible test of sincerity can be subjected. Moreover, today there are many reality shows in which participants are ready to show the world their "dirty laundry."

Arguing about whether it is possible to deceive a polygraph, one immediately wants to please those who are so eager to know the answer. So, bypassing the hateful lie detector is within the power of everyone. The main thing here is to know a few subtleties, secrets.

How can you deceive a polygraph?

To defeat the enemy, it is important to understand how he thinks. In other words, long before the day of testing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the operation of this technical tool. It will not be superfluous to mention that the modern lie detector fixes three main components:

Even if a person is not guilty of anything, if his conscience is clear, at a meeting with a polygraph he can sweat later, and this, perhaps, is not a plus. So, those who know how to win a win-win for themselves polygraph, strongly recommend a couple of hours before the meeting to take medications, the main task of which is to block the development of adrenaline. It is important to remember that such pharmacological agents lower blood pressure. This suggests that before using the medication you should consult a doctor.

Successfully pass a polygraph test will help the same preparation as before an important interview. It is necessary to ask yourself a series of questions, which can be quite provocative.

If the next method is the most effective, then you can imagine that you are in a movie theater. On the screen, a film about a person passing a lie detector test. Thus, you need to calmly and even indifferently give answers to any questions. In other words, you need to learn to abstract.

It is not superfluous to stop torturing yourself with questions about whether it is possible to deceive a polygraph and remember that another alcoholic wand will be medical alcohol. Before starting testing, they need to wipe the phalanx of the fingers. Thus, the lumen of the sweat glands narrows.