Human psychology - how to manage people?

Managing people is a real art and a complex science. To subjugate people, force them to do what you want to direct into their "channel", you need to learn some psychological methods of influencing a person. There are many techniques that teach you to subordinate people or develop the innate ability to control people in you, but we will consider the most effective ones.

How to learn how to manage people?

To understand how to manage people, you need to have the knowledge of human psychology, be able to "discover" individual qualities of character, personal characteristics. However, the art of managing people requires not only theoretical study, but also practical, in order to influence a person, it is necessary to study the basic methods of influence and practice regularly, honing your mastery of manipulating people. So, let us now turn to the most effective methods, using which you can subjugate a person:

  1. Appeal by name . Calling a person by name, you show that you respect him, emphasize his importance, thereby at least get his location.
  2. Flattery . It would seem that this is not difficult at all, just more compliments, beautiful words, etc. However, not everything is so simple, if a person feels a little insincerity, you immediately cause him negative emotions . To flatter people, you should know in what situation you can do it, with respect to whom, etc. For example, if you flatter a person who has a high self-esteem, then you can achieve his location and cause positive emotions, and if such a technique you use in relation to a complexed person, then most likely he will assess your compliments, as a mockery, even more closed in itself and it will already be quite difficult to arrange it for yourself and win confidence.
  3. Attentive listening . When talking to a person, do not interrupt him at all, even if his point of view is at odds with yours and you strongly disagree with his opinion. Listen to the interlocutor, let him speak, then you show your respect, emphasize the importance of his opinion. Only after he has finished his monologue speak with his speech, your interlocutor will begin to listen to you, even if his opinion is at odds with yours.
  4. Correct look . Learn to look people straight in the eyes, and not just, but as if permeating a person. You must show your firm position, confidence, determination and perseverance. Such a view at the subconscious level will cause a person to be submissive, unwilling to argue with a stronger person.
  5. Hypnosis . Many people are interested in how to control a person by the power of thought, this method is just based on this. You inspire your thoughts, dictate your will, influence the subconscious of a person. However, only professionals can use hypnosis, people who have no idea what it is better not to try, because it can be dangerous.
  6. Gratitude . If you asked a person to do something, then after the task completed, be sure to thank him, then you will show the person his importance and cause respect in his address. Your requests will continue to be fulfilled, and much faster.
  7. Say no . Most people do not know how to "directly. Many become uncomfortable, many are embarrassed, others are afraid to offend, etc. if you learn to say "no" firmly, then the surrounding people will feel in you a strong, bold and categorical person, whom you do not want to argue with at all.

Having learned today the secret technologies of how to manage people, try now all this in practice, and probably you will manage to become a leader.