Words parasites - list

Unfortunately, the words parasites in Russian are a disaster of our time. It is very difficult to grasp the meaning of what was said when a person's speech is contaminated by such words. Many people even have this habit: if the interlocutor during the speech uses a huge number of words of parasites, then the second person, instead of getting into the meaning of what has been said, begins an exciting game: count the number of such words. Words parasites violate not only verbal logic, but also spoil the impression of a person. We suggest that you immediately begin to fight the bad habit and disaccustom yourself from the words of the parasites.

List of words of parasites

We compiled a "hit parade" of examples of words of parasites. Having studied it, it will be easier for you to analyze your own vocabulary: as if; as a matter of fact; in this way; literally; straight; as the saying goes; etc; say; after all; as his; actually; so here; shorter; how to say; you see; you hear; type; actually; in general; generally; somewhat; FIG. on the horse-radish; basically; so; something like that; only; Here; Indeed; Yes; no; all that; generally; i.e; this; exactly this; eshkin cat; Well; Well; Estimate; prikol; means.

And this is not the whole list of words of parasites, so try yourself to monitor your speech.

How to get rid of the words of parasites?

First, let's make up the image of a man whose speech is full of words parasites. Perhaps this will make you think and pay attention to your vocabulary. When a person regularly uses parasites in his speech, he:

  1. Begins to irritate the interlocutors and becomes uninteresting for others.
  2. Creates an image of a person unsure of their own strengths. His speech resembles a meaningless stream of water.
  3. He often gets confused in his own speech. If you bring your speech in order, then your thoughts will also be clear, accessible to others.
  4. If you want to create a brilliant career, be able to stay in public, make new acquaintances, then fight with parasites in your speech. These words can become not only an obstacle, but also give out your secrets.

If you seriously think about the above, then it will be easier for you to fight the words with parasites. Also, do not forget about the characteristic interjections "aaaaa", "eeee" and about too active gesticulation. Try to highlight in your speech such shortcomings and start working on it.

If you decide to purify your speech carefully, you need to think about the price of each word. After all, in some situations, one of your "eeeee" or "like" can cost a promising job, and sometimes a loved one who can at one point be bored listening to your endless "in FIG.".

Psychologists offer this option of getting rid of the words of parasites: if you notice that you have said this word again, add something ridiculous, for example, "flower" or "bow". Believe me, you will look stupid at the same time, which means that you will be able to do self-control .

Also we have prepared advice that will help in the fight against this enemy:

  1. Try to change the habitual way of life, always control yourself and watch yourself.
  2. Read more. Including, aloud.
  3. Make stops in your speech. Pauses will make your speech more weighty.
  4. When talking, look at your interlocutor.

After you clear your speech of the husks in the form of parasitic words, communication with you will be much nicer and more desirable, a pole to everything, thanks to such a victory, your self-esteem will only be in the win.