Jam from physalis

Physalis is a sweet berry, brought to us from America. Usually we use it as an ornament of desserts and cocktails. And did you know that it is possible to cook an incredibly tasty jam from the Physalis? Let's figure out how to do it together.

Jam from fizalis with orange



  1. Physalis is washed, processed, transferred to a pan and filled with sugar. Let's leave it for about a day, so that the berry allocates juice.
  2. Then we put the jam on the middle fire and bring it to a boil. Periodically, mix the mass and remove the formed foam.
  3. The orange is washed, dried and cut into small cubes together with the zest. We mix the citrus slices with the cooled jam and throw cinnamon if desired. Carefully we will stir everything up and leave for a day.
  4. Then again bring the jam to a boil, cool it and pour the treat over the sterilized jars. Tightly tighten the lids and remove the prepared jam in the cellar for storage.

Jam from vegetable physalis



  1. Before you start to cook the jam, clean the physalis and thoroughly wash it. Next, each fruit is punctured with a toothpick in several places and dropped into a hot sugar syrup.
  2. Oranges and lemon are scalded with boiling water, dried dry and cut the citrus into slices, removing the bones. Now we move in the blender together with the zest, adding a piece of the cleared root of ginger.
  3. Lay out the citrus mass to the physalis and cook together all the minutes 5-7. Then cover the dishes and cover the contents completely. Repeat the procedure for heating and cooling several times, until the desired consistency of jam is obtained.
  4. We will pack a treat on sterile jars, cork and store after cooling in any cool place.

Jam from fizalis and lemon



  1. Physalis we will wash, treat and puncture each berry with a toothpick.
  2. For the preparation of syrup, pour water into the pan, pour the sugar and warm, stirring, until the crystals are completely dissolved. Now add cinnamon and chopped lemon slices. Cook all together for about 10 minutes, then pour the prepared physalis.
  3. Let's boil the delicacy 20 minutes, and turn off the fire. We take out a stick of cinnamon carefully, cover the dishes with a lid and leave the jam until it cools down completely. Repeat this process a few more times, after which we will wrap up a hot treat on sterile jars, seal it and after storing it we will put it in storage in the pantry.

Recipe for jam from the physalis with apples



  1. Physalis will be cleaned from dry leaves, washed and doused with boiling water.
  2. We also wash the apples, cut into slices and remove the core.
  3. We cut all the fruits in small pieces and put them into a basin.
  4. We fill the contents with sugar, mix it with a wooden spoon and let it rest for several hours, until a large amount of juice is isolated.
  5. Next, cook the treat on low heat, stirring, until a beautiful golden hue.
  6. We check the readiness of the jam as follows: by dropping it onto a saucer, it does not spread, it is ready.
  7. At the very end, throw a pinch of citric acid and pour over the sterilized jars. We put the lids on, wrap it and put the jam from the physalis for storage in a cool and dark place - a cellar or a pantry.