Diet with increased bilirubin

Bilirubin, as is known, despite its unusual name, is just a pigment of bile, which is created from hemoglobin at the time of disintegration of red blood cells contained in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system of the liver. Nutrition with increased bilirubin is not in itself a method of treatment, but it allows to significantly improve blood composition and well-being.

Diet with increased bilirubin: inhibitions

If the total bilirubin is increased, the diet is built, first of all, on the rejection of many products, which in this case will only bring harm:

Diet with high bilirubin makes you give up many of your favorite foods, but this is the only way to help your body in such a difficult situation for him.

Elevated bilirubin in the blood: diet

Nutrition with high bilirubin is based on dishes that contain a large amount of fiber. It is recommended to eat 6 times a day in small portions, every 2.5-3 hours. Consider options for an approximate diet menu for reducing bilirubin:

In addition, there is another option, how to reduce bilirubin, the diet is the same, but the products are grouped differently.

Such a diet will restore bilirubin fairly quickly, possibly in just a few weeks. Help your body cope!