Coffee diet - the best options for losing weight with coffee

There are a lot of techniques that allow you to lose weight, but most of them do not welcome the use of black tea and coffee drinks. The coffee diet is deprived of this shortcoming and provides an opportunity to enjoy your favorite taste and build.

Coffee - the pros and cons of losing weight

Grains are rich in caffeine, protein and sugar, and they contain phenolic compounds, acetic acid, macro and microelements, pyridine and some vitamins and minerals. Asked whether the coffee helps lose weight, it is easy to understand, paying attention to the following properties:

  1. The extract of raw grains contains biologically active compounds - derivatives of chlorogenic acid, which accelerate metabolism, have a beneficial effect on liver function and suppress the production of glucose and glycogen, causing the body to draw energy from deferred fat stores.
  2. Drink reduces appetite , accelerates metabolism, with moderate consumption stimulates the brain and heart, which is very important in reducing caloric intake, when the slimming is prone to weakness and apathy.
  3. Coffee diet does not affect a person's mood. He feels himself vigorous and full of strength, which he suffices even for his usual work and playing sports.

Those who want to know how coffee affects weight loss have received an answer to their question, but it's not so simple. From the minuses can be identified:

  1. Persons with an excitable nervous system may suffer from insomnia, increased heart rate, mental stress, other problems associated with the work of the main "motor" of the body.
  2. Coffee with a diet for weight loss increases blood pressure, spoils teeth.
  3. Stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially on an empty stomach.

Coffee diet for weight loss

There are several variations of this food system, among which you can choose the right one for yourself. Diet for coffee in a strict interpretation involves the use of only arabica and yet another one product. They may be some kind of vegetable or fruit. The coffee diet lasts no more than 3 days. Longer variations include other natural products - meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, sour milk. High-calorie fatty foods are excluded.

Diet for coffee with milk

When losing weight this drink is recommended to drink without sugar, which is not to much liking, but to improve its taste and soften it will help milk. Coffee with milk when losing weight will prevent calcium deficiency, which is washed away with the use of pure drink from fried seeds of the family Marenovye. In addition, the coffee diet does not prohibit the inclusion of meat and fish, fruits and vegetables in the diet, and the drink itself is consumed 3 times a day.

Sample menu:

Diet - coffee and chocolate

This is the most rigid version of the food system, using only a fragrant drink and sweet dessert. The diet for coffee and chocolate lasts three days, during which it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid - up to 2-3 liters per day. Arabica must be prepared independently of natural grains, and tiles should be high in cocoa.

Diet for coffee and cheese

As a fasting day, this option is ideal, but for a long-term power system these two components are not enough. Coffee during a diet can be combined not only with cheese, but also other dairy products, non-starchy vegetables, lean meat and fish, eggs. Sample menu:

  1. For breakfast, a fragrant drink and a slice of cheese, a boiled egg.
  2. For lunch, the coffee diet offers to cook vegetable soup, it is possible on a meat broth, cheese salad.
  3. For a snack kefir or yogurt, coffee.
  4. For dinner, boiled or baked fish with vegetables, fermented baked milk.

Coffee diet for 7 days

As a basis of weekly weight loss, the concepts of healthy nutrition are taken. It is necessary to give up everything sweet, buttery, fried, fatty, spicy and salty. The main drink remains coffee and diet it encourages, but you need to drink a lot and plain water. No fast food and half-finished products in the diet should not be.

Sample menu:

Coffee Diet - Results

The effectiveness of all the above power systems is simply amazing, and the harder it is, the more extra pounds you can lose. However, they can not be followed for more than 7-10 days, otherwise the joy of the result will be overshadowed by complications with health. Coffee promotes weight loss by 500-1000 g per day, but do not drink on an empty stomach and never consume it before going to bed. The maximum daily dose is 3 cups a day, and for people with heart and vascular diseases such a food system is contraindicated.