Khachapuri recipe with cheese

Khachapuri is a very popular traditional Georgian original dish. It is a flat cake made of wheat flour with cheese, sometimes meat or fish filling. The name comes from the words "hacho" (cargo, "cottage cheese") and "puri" (cargo, "bread"). Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese are especially popular.

What is khachapuri prepared from?

Most often in the traditional version of cooking khachapuri used so-called bezdorozhevoy dough. This dough can also be called "fresh, savory." Instead of yeast, live lactic acid organisms of matsoni (the original Georgian lactic acid product) are used, which, if necessary, can be replaced with kefir, or curdled milk, or sour cream. In some areas of Georgia, yeast or puff pastry is also used (lately hachapuri puff with cheese is gaining popularity). Khachapuri from the dough on the matzoni is usually fried or baked in a frying pan. Khachapuri from a yeast or puff pastry is usually baked in an oven.

The classic version of the filling for khachapuri is Imeretin cheese Chkinti-kveli. Often mistresses use the cheese of suluguni for this dish, but it is worth noting that this kind of cheese is not used for real Georgian khachapuri.

Real khachapuri

Imereti recipe khachapuri with cheese is a dish that will become truly loved. Prepare the food.

Ingredients for the dough:

Ingredients for filling:

For lubrication:

1 yolk + 1-2 tablespoons of natural sour cream and a piece of unsalted fat.


First, prepare the spoon: 2 tablespoons sifted flour mixed with sugar and matzoni. Carefully stir and place in a warm place for half an hour. On the incident of this time, we mix the spoon with milk and knead the dough from the sifted flour. Thoroughly knead and beat out the dough with greased sunflower oil. Roll in a com and put in a warm place under a napkin. After 20 minutes, we knead and mix. After another 20 minutes we repeat.

In the intervals between the manipulations with the test, we prepare the filling. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater, add the egg and softened butter. We mix everything thoroughly. We do not add any herbs! Raise the dough divided into portions, based on the desired size of flat cakes. Each portion of the test rolls into a ball, from which we roll a round cake. We spread out a portion of the filling in the middle of each bun, gently gather the edges of the cake and tightly fasten, then turn the flat cake and roll it out into a flat pancake of approximate thickness of up to 1 centimeter.

Now you can bake khachapuri in a frying pan, greased with bacon. A hot frying pan is smeared with a slice of fat before each new cake. You can act differently: bake khachapuri with cheese in the oven. In this case, first we grease the baking sheet (preferably with lard). Khachapuri put on a baking sheet, grease a mixture of yolk and sour cream and puncture the fork in several places. Place the baking tray in the oven, preheated to 180ยบ C. Bake for 20-30 minutes until a beautiful ruddy shade. Ready to lay hot khachapuri on the board, cover with a napkin and wait for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese in the filling seizes.