
Few people know that only 10% of information is transmitted verbally, while gestures and intonation can convey much more meaning. The figures regarding communication are not important, but it is worth remembering that hand gesture plays a particularly important role in communication between people. And, consequently, you need to understand how you can control your gestures to correctly perceive you around.

There is an opinion that gesticulation during a conversation, especially the first 10 seconds, gives an opportunity to fully assess the interlocutor. And suddenly gestures do not correspond to words of the person, your intuition instantly gives out, and gesticulation at conversation can affect that, whether the person will be pleasant to you.

Due to gesticulation we communicate colorfully, emotionally and understand even foreigners, not knowing the language. Gesticulation in a business conversation, too, plays an important role, because it is at times depends on the favorable communication of business partners and the successful conclusion of a deal.

Gesticulation by hands when talking in different countries does not always have one meaning. For example, a ring made of a thumb and an index finger of Americans means the consent or approval of "ok", while the French means zero, and the Japanese have money. In France and in the Russian-speaking countries, the index finger attached to the temple attests to stupidity, and in Holland, on the contrary, means the presence of intelligence. And everyone's favorite gesture of farewell, be careful, Greeks will perceive as an obscene gesture!

It's worth remembering one moment when a person is in an overly emotional state , it is very difficult for him to give out emotions without all sorts of gestures-parasites, and this active gesticulation can tell a lot about the meaning of a person's subconscious state.

For a long time, psychologists have been studying human gesticulation, since the manner of holding can characterize people, but in order to learn to "read" others, there are plenty of books and other sources of all kinds.

Rules of sign language

Many are interested in the concept of the rule of gesticulation, but it is necessary to find out whether they exist as such. In fact, there are the following rules:

  1. Under no circumstances, and under no circumstances does not slouch.
  2. Manage your own hands and feet.
  3. Again, pay attention to the hands. Train to keep your hands always in about one position and bring to automaticity.
  4. Avoid terrible poses.
  5. Look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Attending eye contact is able to smooth out all the roughness of the conversation.
  6. Moderate handshake. It should be neither soft nor hard, but energetic and concise.

And most importantly, remember that proper gesticulation will greatly help you make a pleasant impression on others and achieve your goals.

Do not forget that properly chosen poses of non-verbal communication are able at the subconscious level to place your interlocutor to yourself.