Cottage cheese pastry for pies

Curd dough is easy to prepare, while it is extraordinarily tender, airy and just melts in the mouth. Its only disadvantage in comparison with the usual yeast pies test is that it quickly becomes stale, so do not prepare from it many items with a margin for several days. From it cook and cookies, and bagels, and we'll tell you how to prepare a cottage cheese dough for pies.

Curd dough for fried pies

The recipe for making pastry dough is simple and accessible. With him, even the beginning hostess can cope.



Eggs beat up with sugar, add salt and mix. Cottage cheese grind through a sieve or whisk in a blender, combine with eggs and add soda, extinguished with vinegar. We sift the flour, connect all the components. The dough should be very soft. If there is a little sticking, do not be scared, it should be so. Do not pour any excess flour, airiness then will not work. Leave the dough for 40 minutes, then cover it with a napkin. After that you can proceed directly to the formation of pies.

When choosing a cottage cheese, pay attention to its quality. If it is too wet, flour will be needed, and as we already know, this does not have the best effect on the test.

Dough from cottage cheese for baked pies



Curd we combine with eggs, butter, salt, add baking powder and mix everything to a homogeneous mass. It is convenient for this purpose to use a blender. If there is no blender, then the usual mixer will do. In the resulting mass, we gradually introduce flour. Knead the dough. It should be the same as for dumplings and dumplings, that is, rather dense. If the dough is not enough elastic, add a little sunflower oil, if the dough sticks, pour a little flour.

Now we sprinkle the working surface with flour, from the received dough we roll out the "sausage", cut it into pieces and form pies.

The recipe for cottage cheese dough for kefir for fried pies



Curd we connect with eggs, we add kefir, sugar, salt, butter. Whisk all until smooth. 400 g of flour sift, add soda to it, combine it with the curd-kefir mass and knead the dough. The rest of the flour is poured onto the surface, where we mix it, spread the dough on it and knead it until it is smooth. Cover it and leave it for 15 minutes, and then cook the patties with the filling to your taste.

Cottage cheese puff pastry pastry



This dough is convenient to prepare in the evening, and in the morning to cook pies from it. So, cottage cheese we grind to a homogeneous condition, margarine it is cut with a knife together with a flour, we add salt and we will knead a dough. Now roll it in the form of a ball, put it in a bowl and send it to the fridge for the night, and in the morning you can make pies from it. In this case, before baking, roll the dough into a layer on the surface, previously sprinkled with flour, then fold it several times and roll it out again. This procedure is done 3-4 times. This is done so that the dough becomes flaky and more airy.

Have you tried the cottage cheese dough? Try and yeast, well, very tasty yeast dough for pies .