Liqueur of strawberries on vodka - recipe

No problem, the cooking process should not cause, the only thing that should be taken into account, is that for the liquor use the ripe and whole berry and a high-quality alcoholic base. If inexpensive vodka or poorly purified moonshine are suitable, the final delicate taste of the drink will be irreparably corrupted.

Home-made liqueur "Xu Xu" from strawberries on vodka

The most popular industrial strawberry liqueur is the German "Xu Xu". Despite the fact that the manufacturer assures the naturalness of its product, we insist that the analogue of the prepared home with its own hand is much more natural and useful.



Remove the berries from the pedicels, rinse and divide in half. Pour the pieces of berries into glass containers and fill with vodka or other selected alcoholic base. Take into account that the container for cooking should be chosen so that the layer of alcohol covers the fruit for a couple of centimeters. Leave a jar of berries and vodka in the sun for two weeks. The resulting tincture strain through a couple of layers of gauze.

Prepare sugar syrup by boiling sugar along with water and taking off the foam during cooking. Mix the chilled syrup with the strawberry tincture and pour the drink into a bottle or jar for infusion. Leave the liquor in a dark cool place for a week.

Strawberry liqueur with vodka

Within this variation of the recipe, the liquor is insisted much longer. So the color and aroma of the drink are transferred from the berries almost completely, and the beverage itself will be ready for use immediately after percolation.



Rinse the well-washed berries from the pedicels, drain and lay the jar directly whole. Be sure to choose a suitable container that is large enough to fill with a berry approximately 2/3. Fill the strawberry with sugar, pour in the vodka and close the container with berries cover. Shake the jar and leave the liquor soaked in cool for two weeks, also shaking the contents from time to time and making sure that the sugar crystals dissolve.

After two weeks of infusion, discard the berries in a colander, and pour the resulting tincture into a decanter or bottles with a tightly fitting cork.

How to make a liqueur of vodka and strawberries?

Another way to extract the maximum strawberry taste is to leave the strawberry pulp in the liqueur. Thanks to this trick, the drink will be more dense, but if desired, the mashed potatoes can be filtered on a sieve.



Pry the strawberries and pour it on the vodka. Leave the strawberry puree in the cool for 10 days, making sure that the bottle does not get sunlight. At the end of the allotted time, cook the sugar syrup and refrigerate it. Mix the syrup with the liquor, if desired, strain the drink, removing the excess pulp. Serve the drink strongly chilled.

Liqueur of fresh strawberries with vodka



In the jar, pour the prepared berries, cover them with a layer of sugar and pour an alcoholic mixture of rum and vodka. Closing the jar, leave it in the cool and dark for 3 months, from time to time shaking. Finished beverage strain and serve strongly chilled.