
Self-control is the ability to control one's self; this is an internal force that allows us to control our actions, emotions, desires and habits. Self-control is associated with self-control and is a collective characteristic that includes courage, endurance and determination .

Self-control and character development

A person who can control feelings, control emotions and behavior, control mood, keep composure and without making rash actions, determines self-control and self-control.

One of the fundamental and most important features of a person striving to become a leader and simply a strong personality is the ability to remain cool in an extreme situation and cope with external emotions without reacting to irritants and staying calm.

A person who knows how to control himself, as a rule, becomes successful and popular. Conversely, people with low self-control are subject to pernicious habits. Unfortunately, we often lose our composure and the problem is that we overestimate the ability not to succumb to temptation. However, self-control and self-control can be trained. As practice has shown, self-control is limited. Training self-control on the body has a physiological effect. And the first step to self-control, awareness of the moment of weakness.

  1. To strengthen self-control, encourage yourself.
  2. Put strict deadlines, namely, make decisions before you find yourself in a tempting situation.
  3. Also use the whip method, fine yourself for temptation.
  4. Do not tempt yourself mentally or physically.
  5. Be optimistic to achieve this goal.
  6. Try to appreciate your goal, then you will strive for it.
  7. Use emotions to increase self-control.

Coaching of self-control, as a rule, is meant as the eradication of a bad habit. Absolutely incredible self-control is character.

How to maintain composure?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of scandalous people among us, and life is full of conflicts. Therefore, in these situations, you need to know how to solve the conflict while maintaining self-control.

  1. Try not to dramatize the situation, but to look at it from the other side.
  2. Think before you discuss the problem with your friends, first dig it yourself.
  3. Try to be cool, as a way to stay calm.
  4. Identify the factors that make you lose control.
  5. Remember the situation when you controlled your emotions.
  6. Create an environment that relaxes you (music, silence and so on).
  7. Learn to be distracted, relax.

How not to lose self-control?

Self-control is a very important characteristic in a person's life. Having lost self-control, you can make serious mistakes. To do this, you should control yourself, not paying attention to internal and external stimuli. It should also be remembered that when you lose composure, the body begins to speak for you, namely: the face becomes paler or redder, the palpitations become more frequent, the vessels shrink or widen and the mouth dries up. In this connection, do not waste energy, and health on problems, control your emotions and think only of good things.

In order not to lose self-control, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  1. Smile, nothing so infuriates the enemy as the smile of the enemy.
  2. If the opponent has moved to an increased tone or shout, then you should keep a calm tone.
  3. Do not give in to provocation and not collect all the grievances in a heap.

And so we draw a conclusion, what are the advantages of people who know how to control themselves. Self-control gives people the opportunity to act rationally, and not emotionally, and helps to make right decisions.