Honey from elderberry - a recipe, benefit and harm

Elder flowers many people use for cooking honey, because as a result of simple manipulations you get a tasty and fragrant treat. The recipe for honey from elderberry, as well as its benefits and harm, you will learn below.

The recipe for elderberry honey and its benefits

This treat contains a large amount of vitamin C , which is necessary for the normalization of the immune system, helps to cope with the symptoms of colds and ARI. Also, elder flowers have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, so they help get rid of edema, and essential oils and tannin in this plant contribute to increasing the body's resistance to many infectious and colds. The main advantage of honey from the elderberry flowers is that this delicacy helps to lower the temperature, saturates the body with ascorbic acid. It is recommended to eat chill people, those who are constantly forced to contact with the sick cold and flu , as well as athletes, as the delicacy helps to quickly restore strength.

Now let's talk about how to cook honey from elderberry, only take time, you'll have to spend about 4 hours.



The pre-peeled flowers are placed in an enamel pot, then filled with water. The capacity is put on the fire, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for about 20 minutes.

After this, it is necessary to strain the broth, which will have a greenish shade, add sugar to it and again place the pan with the mixture on the fire and bring the composition to a boil.

Cook honey for about 3 hours, constantly stirring and removing the foam, then you get a thick and fragrant treat.