How quickly to recover?

About a variety of diets and ways to throw off excess pounds have been said a lot, but to find information on how quickly to recover is not easy, but there are several proven methods that will help you gain weight.

How can I quickly recover by changing my diet?

Immediately it is worth to clarify that if the person's goal is not just to grow fat, but without damage to health gain weight, it is necessary to abandon the strategy called "I eat everything," since it clearly does not work. The first thing to do in order to gain weight is to change the diet by including as much protein food as possible, for example, chicken, turkey, buckwheat, dairy products. Protein is needed for muscle mass, so it should be about 55-65% of the total daily diet.

Next, you should review the time of eating and the number of snacks per day. Ideally, breakfast is necessary in 20-30 minutes after the person wakes up, an hour and a half after it should be made a snack, then after 2-2.5 hours you must have lunch. Between lunch and dinner, you also need to make another meal, the so-called afternoon snack, and before going to bed drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Now let's talk about an exemplary menu, adhering to which you can, how quickly to recover, and safely gain weight. For example, a daily diet can look like this:

  1. Breakfast - cottage cheese with honey, fruits and nuts, tea or coffee, a sandwich of grain bread with cheese or natural ham, a banana.
  2. Snack - a glass of milk and a grain toast with honey, fruit.
  3. Lunch - a portion of any soup, boiled rice, vegetable salad with dressing from olive oil , a portion of chicken breast steamed, tea or coffee with a dessert, for example, ice cream.
  4. Snack - a milkshake or yoghurt, fruit.
  5. Dinner - buckwheat with turkey and vegetable salad, or boiled potatoes with steamed fish.
  6. Before going to bed, a glass of milk or kefir.

Products and dishes that allow both a woman and a man to quickly recover are quite a lot, for example, as a snack, you can use any dairy products, and garnish, lentils, beans or vegetable stews. Therefore, the menu will be quite diverse, and you will not suffer by adhering to this nutrition plan.

How quickly to get well with thin people, doing sports?

For a harmonious set of muscle mass, you can and should attend strength training. At home, both a woman and a man will quickly recover from strength exercises. Guys are encouraged to do push-ups, pull-ups on the crossbar, exercises to develop biceps and triceps with dumbbells, sit-ups.

Girls can try to use various video courses by such authors as Denise Austin, Gillian Michaels. Such activities can be easily conducted at home, only choose courses aimed at shaping a beautiful silhouette, not weight loss, for example, Denise Austin has a wonderful "Training Camp" complex, the second part of which will be completely devoted to solving this problem.

If video courses are not possible to use, you can independently do such exercises as lifting the body from the prone position, push-ups, squats with dumbbells. The number of approaches for each exercise should be at least 2, but not more than 4, and the number of repetitions depends on your physical condition, you can start with 5 - 10, gradually increasing their number. Do not forget to stretch, so the muscles will quickly find beautiful shapes. It is enough to train every 3-4 days for 30-40 minutes, so even a very busy girl can allocate time for classes.