Nectarine - calorie content

Nectarine is the closest relative of the peach. Outwardly, these fruits are very similar, but nectarine has a smooth skin, so its second name is a hollow peach. This beautiful and juicy fruit has a wonderful taste, which is very fond of people all over the world. Nectarine brings great benefits to human health, and most importantly, it is useful in both raw and dried form. Also these delicious fruits can be stewed, canned, baked, made from them jam and wait.

Caloric content of nectarine

The low calorie content of nectarine is one of the main advantages of this fruit. How much kcal in nectarine depends on what size it is, on average, the caloric content of this fruit is 100 grams (about the same weight as one nectarine without pits), is only 46 kcal. Nectarine is easily absorbed in the body, supplying it with basic minerals and vitamins.

Despite the low calorie content, this fruit is an excellent source of energy. By the way, nutritionists are advised to include nectarine in the diet of people who are overweight. Today, there are more diets on the basis of this juicy fruit.

Composition of nectarines

The chemical composition of nectarine and peach is very similar, but nectarine has a more sweet taste, contains more minerals and vitamins. Consider the composition of nectarine per 100 g.

Energy value:

The nutritional value:

Vitamins in nectarines:

Minerals in nectarines:

Also, nectarine contains natural sugar, pectins, organic acids and many other useful substances needed by man.

Are nectarines useful for the body?

Scientists have long found out that all components of the composition of nectarine bring invaluable benefit to the human body:

If every morning to drink a little fresh juice of nectarine, you can get rid of constipation, normalize acidity in the stomach, and the food you eat will absorb faster and better.

Nectarine in the diet

People who are trying to lose weight, can safely include this fruit in the diet of their food. After all, the minimum amount of calories of nectarine does not spoil the figure at all, and useful substances will help the process of losing weight to pass faster and more efficiently.

Example of nectarine diet

Day 1 and 3

  1. For breakfast: eat 3 nectarines.
  2. For lunch: 300 g cottage cheese and drink fresh nectarine juice.
  3. For dinner: eat 2 nectarines.

Day 2 and 4

  1. For breakfast: eat two boiled eggs and drink with nectarine juice.
  2. For lunch: 50 grams of cheese with a small slice of black bread, 4 nectarines.
  3. For dinner: 3 nectarines.

This diet lasts only four days and is very easy to tolerate, during this period, really get rid of 1-2 kg of weight. With caution, you need to use nectarines to diabetics, because the level of sugar in your blood can go up dramatically.

Nectarine is a valuable gift of nature that will enrich your body with all vital substances.