Mushroom caviar through a meat grinder for the winter - recipe

The most fragrant mushroom caviar is prepared in various ways, using not only onions and garlic, but also other vegetables, and properly selected spicy seasonings give a new flavor to the snack. Consider the recipe for mushroom roe through a meat grinder for the winter, the preparation of which will help diversify the festive table at any time of the year.

Mushroom caviar - recipe through a meat grinder with garlic



Go through fresh mushrooms, rinse and boil in water for 10 minutes. Remove the honey agarics and boil them in fresh water for a similar period of time. Prepared mushrooms do not wash, but immediately grind in a meat grinder. Onion peel, slice and brown, then add the mushroom mass and cook for half an hour until the excess liquid evaporates. Add the chopped garlic to the workpiece, hold it for 3 minutes, season with pepper and spread it over sterile jars. Fill the contents of the container with hot oil to increase the shelf life.

Mushroom caviar with carrots and tomatoes - recipe through a meat grinder



Washed under running water honey mushrooms in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes, taking off the foam. Peel the carrots on a grater and save in warmed-up oil. Add the diced onions and peeled tomatoes to the carrots. Bring the vegetable mixture to its full potential and mushroom it. In a separate container, fry the mushrooms until they are browned and chop them in a meat grinder. Pass a vegetable mixture through the meat grinder and combine it with mushrooms. Cook the eggs in sterile jars and cover with capron cap. Keep in the cold.

Mushroom caviar for the winter through a meat grinder

Spicy spices and vinegar will help to acquire a vegetarian snack spicy taste, and chopped mushroom caviar will provide the dish with a soft and airy consistency.



Purified mushrooms rinse and dip into boiling salted water. Cook the mushrooms until they fall to the bottom, then remove and dry. Pass the boiled mushrooms through the meat grinder. Chop the carrots, mix it with chopped onions and fry the mixture in oil. Add the mushrooms to the vegetables, after mixing, season with spices and simmer for a couple of hours, gradually adding vinegar. Place the eggs on cans and store them in the cold.

Mushroom salted roe - recipe through a meat grinder

Just a couple of ingredients and a minimum of effort separate you from a simple and delicious mushroom snack, which is relevant both for the solemn menu and for everyday life.



Cleaned of fungi thoroughly rinse and boil in salted water until it sinks to the bottom. Remove the mushrooms, dry and knead in a meat grinder. Spasertsuyte chopped onions, add mushrooms, season with black pepper mushroom mixture and put out 10 minutes. Cook caviar in sterile cans, pour hot vegetable oil to increase the shelf life, cover with scalded lids and store in cold.