Milk mushroom for weight loss

Dairy products are incredibly useful in any diet, because they are all very rich in calcium , which prevents absorption and absorption of fat. Due to this extra pounds are leaving at a fairly fast pace. In this sense, milk mushroom for weight loss - an excellent assistant, because it will allow you to create a high-quality domestic dairy product.

Tibetan milk mushroom for weight loss

This fungus has many names - milk, kefir, Tibetan. It was discovered a few thousand years ago, when Tibetan monks noticed that milk, placed in different vessels, riches is not the same. In the usual yogurt, protein compounds, similar in appearance to cottage cheese, began to appear. This is the milk Tibetan mushroom . The use of kefir, obtained by fermenting milk on such a mushroom, is very wide in medicine and in cosmetology, and the drink itself is often called the elixir of youth.

For a long time the process of making such a mushroom was kept in strict secrecy, and only in the middle of the 19th century the unique product became famous in Europe and Russia. Kefir, obtained in this way, was used to treat various diseases, and as a result, even if the patient was not completely cured, the course of the disease was significantly relieved.

To use the kefir mushroom for weight loss people guessed somewhat later, when the doctors noticed that those who regularly drink the received drink, often lose weight. A number of studies have shown that this effect is achieved due to the abundance of acetic acid bacteria in the composition of kefir. They convert fat into simpler compounds that are easily removed from the body. Tibetan mushroom for weight loss is effective and due to the fact that it suppresses appetite perfectly, due to which weight goes much easier.

Another important property that makes the milk mushroom for weight loss irreplaceable, this is its complex positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract in general and the intestine especially. Kefir, obtained in this way, is an excellent medium for microflora, and besides it displays well slags, toxins and various poisons that are digested in the intestines as a result of taking medicines and food with chemical additives.

Milk mushroom: diet

In order to effectively lose weight on the milk fungus, you must follow a suitable diet. It is recommended, first of all, to refuse harmful food - after all, taking such kefir cleanses the body of toxins, which means it is worth to ease the work and stop taking them. So, it is worth giving up such products:

The simpler and more natural will be the food that you take, the more effective it will be your diet. It is necessary to control the size of portions: they should be a quarter less than usual. This rule makes it easy to use the diet itself.

Kefir must be taken every day, half an hour after each meal, half a glass. The last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime, and half an hour before you go to bed, you need to drink the last half a cup of kefir a day. For those who are fundamentally important speed slimming, it is generally replace the last meal with 1-2 cups of yogurt with the addition of flax flour or fiber (this you can easily find in any pharmacy).

After plentiful feasts necessarily arrange kefir unloading day, having refused food and accepting only one yogurt. In this case, the breakdowns are not terrible for you, and losing weight will continue, and not slow down due to holidays.