Cottage cheese cake for Easter

Why choose between cottage cheese Easter and the usual cake cake, if you can combine both stunning dishes by preparing cottage cheese cake for this Easter. The complexity of the recipe is not to be feared, if you previously worked with baking, then everything will go perfectly. The dough in this case turns out to be rather dense, so it is unlikely that fans of the "lacy" crumb of Easter cakes will like it, but the lovers of the fragrant curd muffin will be delighted.

Curd cake for Easter - recipe

In this recipe, most of the fats are margarine, but you can replace it with ordinary butter. Also there is no raisin, which everyone is free to add or replace, given the tastes of his household.



The first is the yeast starter. For her yeast is bred with warm milk, add a good pinch of sugar and leave everything until the foam appears on the surface. While the yeast is activated, turn into a foam five egg whites. The remaining yolks (11 pieces in total) are beaten with sugar until a white creamy mass is formed.

Rub the cottage cheese so that there are no large pieces in the dough. Mix cottage cheese with yeast leaven, add yolks, sour cream and whisk together. Melt and cool the mixture of margarine and butter, and add it to the resulting mixture along with the vegetable oil. Carefully insert the protein foam and begin to gradually add flour. Do not wait for the dough to stop sticking to your hands: it's quite sticky and not easy to work with, but after a three-hour proofing in the heat it will become noticeably more convenient to work with. During three hours of discarding, the dough is kneaded three times and allowed to come back again: so that the gluten yarn will strengthen and the cakes will not fall off when baking.

After that, the dough can be divided into shapes and sent to bake at 180 degrees. Time is determined by the size of the cake.

You can also prepare cottage cheese cake for Easter at the multivark, repeating all the steps from the technology described above, and then, leaving the dough to bake in the "Baking" mode for 60 + 30 minutes.

Recipe for curd cake for Easter without yeast in the oven

To reduce all the complexity of cooking cakes to nothing, you can simply get rid of yeast. Despite their absence in this recipe, the cake is still juicy, but has a consistency similar to the curd cake, which it, in fact, is.



Preparation of this cake is completely analogous to the preparation of a standard cake. Soften the butter into a cream with sugar. In the resulting airy oil mass, add cottage cheese and, without stopping whipping, start gradually introducing eggs. Send a bag of vanillin next, and then mix everything with the raisins and start to enter portions of the sieved flour through the sieve. When the dough is mixed (do not stir with mixing), add to it slaked soda and whisk the last time. Bake at 180 for about an hour (for medium cake).

Delicious cottage cheese cake for Easter



Lightly heat the milk and add a pinch of sugar to it. Put in the yeast and leave it aside.

The remaining sugar whisk with eggs until a whitish mass is obtained, add cottage cheese and butter to it, whisk for at least 3 minutes, and then enter the yeast solution. Put in the flour, knead all together for another 8 minutes, then spread out the forms, filling in a third and leave to proof until the dough fills the molds to the top. Bake at 180 until cooked.