The first signs of anorexia

Anorexia is the offspring of the 20th century, the very moment when excessive, unnatural thinness became fashionable. As a result, people surrounded by glossy covers, telescreens and catwalks, skinny top models believed that this is exactly what is beautiful, and so it is necessary to strive for such forms. 80% of patients with anorexia are teenage girls from 14 to 18 years of age, that is, the most environmentally prone population. As with any other disease, with anorexia the most important is to recognize the onset of the disease by first signs. In this article, we will look at how anorexia begins.

At first glance, the girl is just trying to lose weight, talking about diets, calories, etc. Further, it reduces the number of meals to 1 times a day, and later - completely refuses to eat, explaining this by fatigue, poor health or stomach problems. The next step is disgust for food, an artificial urge to vomit. The onset of anorexia is always accompanied by the following symptoms:

Symptoms of anorexia can also be attributed to manipulations that girls do with themselves for the sake of loss of "extra" 100 g:

Very rarely, the patients themselves seek medical help, and when the changes are noticed by their loved ones, it may be too late. Even after contacting a doctor at the initial stage of anorexia, treatment can take a year or more. After all, anorexia is not just depletion of all the body's reserves, at the heart of the disease are complex psychological disorders.