Dutch cheese - calorie content

Dutch cheese is perhaps one of the most popular cheeses that we buy for every day. It has a pleasant taste and noble color, has long been familiar to our consumer and can be a wonderful addition to dozens of dishes. We will consider the useful properties and calorific value of Dutch cheese.

Calories in Dutch cheese

Caloric content of all semisolid cheeses, which includes Dutch, is approximately the same. In this case, it is 352 kcal per 100 g of product, of which 26 g are protein and 26.8 g are fats. Cheese is an excellent source of protein , and only because of the high content of fats in its composition is not recommended to eat much and in the evening.

Benefits and harm of Dutch cheese

Talk about the benefits of Dutch cheese can be very much, because this product is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are also easily absorbed by the body. Unlike other types of cheese, Dutch cooking technology requires the use of only fresh natural milk. It is thanks to this that such a sort of cheese is less subject to "updates" in the form of various additives and impurities and remains one of the most useful cheeses.

The composition of this cheese preserves vitamins A and B, as well as copper, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and molybdenum, and their concentration is so high that the inclusion of even one or two slices of such cheese in the daily menu already substantially helps the body to obtain the necessary nutrients.

If you care about a figure, Dutch cheese can be used both to create hearty breakfasts, and for a snack, or simply snack during the day. A slice of cheese, slowly eaten with a glass of tea, will quickly return the workability, and thus, unlike many other options, will not harm the figure.