Wall of the Trolls

On the western coast of Norway , in the valley of Romsdalen, there is a unique part of the Trolltindene mountain range, called the Trollveggen or Trollwall. It is considered very difficult to climb and thus attracts hundreds of climbers annually.

Description of sight

The Troll Wall in Norway refers to the Big Wall. Its maximum height is 1100 m above sea level, and the largest drop reaches 1,700 m. The mountain ranks first in Europe in size.

This array has a special geological structure, characterized by landslides and frequent rockfalls. The largest occurred in 1998, when the fallen rocks changed the paved mountaineering routes quite a lot.

Conquering an array

In 1965, the wall of the Trolls was first conquered by groups of climbers from Norway and Great Britain. Two detachments stormed the rocks from different sides:

Currently, 14 routes lead to the top of the site . They differ in degree of complexity and length. Some of them can be overcome in a couple of days even by novice climbers, and others - require professional training, take up to 2 weeks and are considered dangerous for life.

The best time to climb is between July and August. At this time there are white nights and the most favorable weather, which is affected by the course of the Gulf Stream. True, partly cloudy weather, shallow rain and fog will accompany tourists all the time. During the storm and a few days after it, climbing the wall of the Trolls in Norway is prohibited.

In the summer, damp and rainy weather predominates in this area, but the waterfalls fill with water and delight the eye with their beautiful bubbling currents. In winter, the air temperature is very low, the light day is short, and the mountains are covered with snow. During this period, amateurs of ice climbing to the wall of Trolley, for whom also scenic routes are laid.

Basejumping on the Trolley Wall

The mountain range is considered a popular peak among the beers. At the same time, because of the protrusions reaching 50 m, the base jumps are difficult, and sometimes even dangerous. Here in 1984, Karl Benish, the founder of this sport, died tragically.

Over time, accidents repeatedly repeated. In 1986, the authorities of Norway were forbidden to perform base jumping from the wall of the Trolls. The fine is about $ 3500 with confiscation of all equipment. True, many extremals do not stop this law, and they still risk their lives.

Features of visit

When you are going to climb the Troll Wall, take sport shoes and comfortable warm waterproof clothing. Also do not forget to grab water and food to refresh yourself before going back down.

At the top of the mountain range is equipped with a special observation deck, from where a stunning view opens. The photos taken here will preserve these fabulous landscapes for a long time.

How to get there?

Most conveniently to the wall of the Trolley in Norway to get from the city of Ondalsnes. You need to go by car along the road E136 to the foot of the mountain. The distance is 12 km. Further it is necessary to climb the serpentine to the tourist complex. You can do it yourself or rent a taxi.

From this point, the ascent begins. For those who want to calmly climb to the top, a safe hiking trail is laid. It passes through sharp stone peaks, through fog and clouds. The duration of the route is about 2 hours one way.