Monopoly - the rules of the game

Monopoly is one of the most famous and popular board games that both children and adults love. This fun is for boys and girls over the age of 8, although in practice it is often played by older preschoolers. In Monopoly, each player takes possession of a certain property, which he can sell, rent and use at his own discretion.

The goal of this strategy is to "stay afloat" and not go bankrupt when others do it. The rules of the game in Monopoly for children and adults are quite simple, however, they should pay special attention to the start of the competition.

Detailed rules of the game in Monopoly

Before the start of the game, all the guys have to decide which of them will own the chip of a particular color. After that, each player must roll the dice. The participant, who managed to throw out the maximum number of points, starts the game, and in the future all moves are made clockwise from him.

Monopoly refers to the category of turn-based board games in which all actions are determined only by cubes and various images on the playing field. So, after the player at the beginning of his turn threw the dice, he must move his chip to the number of steps that fell on them. Further actions will be indicated on the cage of the playing field, in which was his chip.

Depending on how many points dropped on the dice, the player of the game Monopoly can do the following:

In addition, the economic board game Monopoly in the course of the game is subject to the following rules:

  1. In case of a double, the player has the right to make one more turn after completing all his actions. Meanwhile, if the double was dropped 3 times in a row, the participant of the game must immediately go to the "prison".
  2. When the initial point of placement of all the chips passes, each player receives a salary of 200,000 game money. Depending on the dropped fields and cards, the salary can be received not 1, but 2 or 3 times per round.
  3. In the case of a player hitting a free site for construction, that is, a playing field with a real estate card, he is entitled to buy it at the price offered by the bank. If the participant does not have sufficient money or simply does not want to acquire the object, he is put up for auction, where all other players have the right to bid. Real estate remains on the field only in the event that none of the guys and did not want to buy it.
  4. Before the beginning of each turn the player has the right to offer other children a deal - sale or exchange of their real estate. Any transactions are carried out only on mutually beneficial terms.
  5. Owning one real estate card allows you to charge a small rent from all players whose chips have stopped on this field. Meanwhile, it is much more profitable to own a monopoly, that is, all objects of the same color, because it allows you to build branches, hotels and houses, which significantly increases the amount of rent.
  6. Rent is not charged if the property is mortgaged.
  7. If the player's chip has stopped on the "chance" or "public treasury" fields, he must pull out the appropriate card and follow the suggested instructions.
  8. If you hit the "taxes" field, each player must pay the corresponding amount to the bank.
  9. In the event of bankruptcy or the inability to pay any bills even when selling their objects, the player is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who managed to last longer than the others.

There is also a children's board game Monopoly with more simple rules designed for toddlers from 5 years. By and large, it is a simplified analog of the classical version and very well suited for the development of mathematical skills and strategic thinking in preschoolers.