What vitamins are in the lemon?

Lemon is an accepted remedy for colds, but this is not the only purpose. You can use the fruit for weight loss, and for beauty - and all thanks to vitamins , which are hidden in the lemon, in considerable quantities.

What vitamins contain a lemon?

Lemon entirely consists of useful substances - you can use both zest and flesh. It contains pectins, carotenes, phytoncides and organic acids. In addition, the lemon contains many vitamins: C, E, PP and Group B. It is thanks to them that tea with a slice of this fragrant sour fruit protects the body against various kinds of diseases and infections.

In addition to vitamins, the lemon is rich in macro- and microelements: copper, sodium, fluoride, manganese, potassium, boron, molybdenum, calcium, chlorine and others. Such a rich in useful ingredients and vitamins make the lemon an indispensable natural remedy and just a useful product that can be added to meals daily.

What is the benefit of lemon?

Knowing what minerals and vitamins are in the lemon, you can use it for a variety of purposes. Of course, the main method of using it is to use it as a medicine. However, it is also suitable for beauty treatments and weight loss.

So, in which cases is the lemon effective?

In order to improve your health and appearance, it is enough only to regularly eat lemon in your food, and do not forget to sometimes make from it masks and baths for the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

How to use lemon?

Consider how to harmoniously include the lemon in your diet , if you do not like to eat it in its pure form with salt, sugar or honey. The options are:

Such simple measures will perfectly enrich your body with all substances that contain a lemon. By accustoming yourself to eat it regularly, you will notice how your health improved and immunity got stronger.