Salad "Stolichny" with chicken

Along with all the beloved "Olivier" , "Shuba" and "Mimosa", the classic festive table is usually supplemented with the notorious "Metropolitan". A time-tested salad is familiar to the hostess since Soviet times and, by the way, is awarded a consultative name.

In this article, we will consider the recipes for how to prepare "Stolichny" in its classical version, that is, with a chicken.

Classic recipe for salad "Stolichny" with chicken

This recipe is a classic of the restaurant "Capital" salad "those times". Lovers can get natural crab meat and supplement their dish in small quantities.



Chicken fillet is cleaned of films and boiled in salted water. Potatoes are cooked "in uniforms", eggs are hard-boiled. All the ingredients are cooled and cut into cubes (we pre-peel the potatoes from the peel), add green peas to the salad and dress with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. We leave "Stolichny" in the refrigerator for half an hour-hour, before serving, we decorate with parsley.

Recipe for salad "Stolichniy" with chicken and tomatoes



Chicken fillet boil in salted water, cool and cut into cubes. Similarly, we do the same with potatoes, though it is necessary to cook it "in uniform" and then clean it. Tomato and hard-boiled egg are also crushed into cubes. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise, if necessary, salt and pepper. We serve lettuce on leaves, sprinkled with herbs.

A simple version of the salad "Stolichny" with chicken



Salad "Stolichny" with chicken is very easy to prepare: chicken fillet boil in salted water, cool and disassemble the fibers. Eggs, carrots and potatoes, too, boil, separately from each other. Potatoes and eggs cut into small cubes, and carrots three on a grater. We lay all the ingredients in layers in any order, each layer is blotted with mayonnaise, and seasoned, if necessary. On top, sprinkle "Stolichnaya" with green onions and you can serve to the table, though you should not forget to cool it before serving.

Salad "Stolichny" with chicken and mushrooms

Actually, this version of the salad is not much different from its predecessors, you can add and diversify the dish to your own taste. Fresh mushrooms in the recipe can also be replaced with canned.



Chicken fillet boil in salted water, cool, cut into cubes. Carrots are cleaned and boiled, potatoes are cooked "in uniform", eggs are hard boiled. All the ingredients are also ground in cubes, including pickled cucumbers. Mushrooms cut arbitrarily and fry in vegetable oil until the moisture evaporates completely, do not forget to season with salt and pepper.

All the ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise and leave to cool for about an hour. Then lay out the "Capital" on the tartlets and decorate with greens, if desired.