Orchid from beads - master class

Flowers from beads to collect very exciting. In addition to the fact that the final result is very beautiful, beading perfectly relaxes and soothes nerves. In our master class we will tell you how to make an orchid of beads by yourself.

Weaving of orchids from beads


Let's get to work:

Light green petal

  1. Cut off 50 cm of wire and add it as shown in the photo.
  2. We put 18 light-green beads on one "barbel" of wire. On the other "antennae" we string the beads as long as the length allows.
  3. We make a semicircle, stretching along the small "antennae" the other end of the wire (the one with more beads).
  4. Now we are pulling back the working wire. In order not to get confused, rely on the photo.
  5. Managing the working wire, make a petal with six arcs, together with the base - this is seven strips. The petal for one orchid is ready.

Mirror petals

  1. The method will be the same as described above. Only now, every 5-7 light-green beads wear 1 white.
  2. Further we make arcs, but let them be on one side 4, and on the other two.
  3. Such a petal is required 2.

Mixed petals

  1. Already familiar to you, we make 3 petals, where white and light green beads will be mixed. One nuance, the basis is not 18, but 14 beads.

Fancy petals

  1. We work with a piece of wire length of 60 cm. On the "antenna-base" we put on 5 light-green beads, and then 15 white.
  2. On the other "antennae" we put on 6 green beads and the rest are all white. Adjust the amount yourself. You should have petals with a light green bottom and white top.
  3. There are two such lobes.

Brown petals

  1. We cut off 70 cm of wire.
  2. On the base we string 6 brown beads, and 12 mixed of light green and white beads.
  3. We make 4 arcs, forming petals so that there is brown beads at the bottom.
  4. 5 with an arc of the plait so that it is fixed not at the base, but on the adjacent arc. We make an arc on the same side.
  5. Similarly draw up the second side. Lean on the photo.

Now let's take care of the leaves for the orchid of beads

  1. We string dark green beads on the wire, 50 pieces.
  2. We do 6, already familiar to us arcs. That's all.
  3. One orchid needs 5 such leaves.


For the core of the orchid, we make stamens out of mother-of-pearl beads. 4 beads we put on separate wires.

Let's sum up, you should get:

Collecting billets in a flower

  1. Mother-of-pearl stamens are wound together with a thread.
  2. Brown petal is tied to beads.
  3. Now turn a light green petal.
  4. We fasten the mirror blanks.
  5. After we attach 3 blended petals.
  6. And the latest we tie two elegant petals.

As you already understood, the number of blanks will change from the number of colors you have planned.

Orchid decoration

  1. Ready-made flowers are fastened with a thread on a rigid wire. At the same time, carefully tie the barrel with the same thread, decorating it.
  2. At the end we tie green leaves.
  3. We plant the construction in a pot of gypsum.

This is how the scheme of weaving orchid from beads looks, which is suitable even for beginners.

Of the beads you can weave and other very beautiful flowers: lily , violet , narcissus , chamomile , rose or snowdrops .