Berry berries - useful properties

Useful properties of berries Voroniki contributed to the fact that at one time it became widely used in folk medicine. And even nowadays doctors recommend eating a porridge or a shiksha, so this plant is also called.

Useful properties and contraindications of berries berniki

The berries and leaves of this plant contain substances such as vitamin C , carotene, essential oils and resins. In folk medicine, shiksu was used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory drug, for example, the beneficial properties of the juice of berries of the Voroniki contributed to the fact that it was recommended to be used in cases of extreme heat, tonsillitis, flu. A large amount of ascorbic acid in it helped to strengthen the immune system and accelerate the recovery process.

Currently, doctors advise eating these berries for those who experience chronic fatigue, it is scientifically proven that using sikshi helps restore the working capacity of nerve fibers, increase concentration and reduce the negative symptoms that arise due to stress and lack of sleep. Anthocyanins contained in siksha help to get rid of nervous overexertion, improve sleep, strengthen the body's natural defenses, that's what berries are useful for, and why doctors recommend them.

Another proven fact is that siksa is an excellent means for reducing swelling. Useful properties of berries Voronezh are that they help to normalize the urinary system. Juice and fresh crows are advised to be consumed by women during menstruation, this will help get rid of puffiness of the extremities, which girls often complain about in this period of the menstrual cycle.

Of course, there are contraindications to the use of shiksha, it can cause allergic reactions, it is not advised to eat people with urinary incontinence or kidney dysfunction, it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the pancreas. All these ailments can worsen if a person suffering from them turns on a crow or her juice in their menu. In some cases, people who have the abovementioned diseases can pamper themselves with juicy siksa berries in small quantities, but before they do this, they need to visit a doctor and find out his opinion on this matter. Only an expert can understand whether to include this product in the diet, or it is better to refrain from this.