Beef chops in the oven

Beef cutlets in the oven are prepared long enough, but, believe me, they are worth it. The meat is incredibly delicious and surprisingly delicate. This dish is best served with potato garnish and greens. And how to cook chops from beef, we'll tell you now.

Beef chops with mustard



Beef tenderloin is rinsed and dried on a clean towel. Then cut the meat into pieces and lightly beat off with a hammer. In a bowl we connect a sharp mustard with mayonnaise and spices. Next, thoroughly rub the meat with the prepared mixture and leave it soaked. We process the bulb, shred, and the cheese three on the griddle. In the baking dish, smeared with vegetable oil, spread the chops and sprinkle with onions and cheese. We send the form to the heated oven and record 40 minutes. Well, that's all, delicious beef chops are ready!

Beef chops in the oven with potatoes



Beef thoroughly washed, carefully dried and cut into slices. Prepared meat beat off, put on a baking sheet. We clean the bulb, chop the half rings, disassemble the hands and lay out an even layer over the meat. Add salt to taste and mix. We process the potatoes, rub it on a grater and lay it on a baking tray, leveling it with a spoon. After that, plentifully cover the dish with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. We send the dish to a preheated oven and bake it for about 45 minutes.

Beef chops with tomatoes in the oven


For sauce:


First, prepare the sauce: in a saucepan, melt the oil, add the spices and put a clove of garlic, crushed with a knife. Then pour in the flour, throw a bit of ground nutmeg and mix it quickly with a spatula. Then gradually pour in cold milk and, after thickening, remove it from the fire. Beef sliced ​​thin steaks, beaten with a hammer and put on a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Top with water sauce, put tomato slices, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake dish for about an hour.