Cottage cheese casserole in a pressure cooker

Cottage cheese casserole is familiar to all of us from the very childhood. After all, many children in kindergarten she was the favorite delicacy for a mid-morning snack. There are a lot of recipes for her preparation: with eggs and without them, with a mango, with milk, with fruit, etc. We want to tell you how to make a cottage cheese casserole in a pressure cooker. It turns out very lush, tall, beautiful and unusually tender.

Recipe for curd casserole in a pressure cooker



The berries are thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. Then take the chicken eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and beat them with a mixer until thick peaks are obtained. Yolks are mixed with cottage cheese , add sour cream, sprinkle sugar, mango and a little baking powder.

Beat the resulting mass with a blender for 5 minutes until smooth. After that, gradually introduce proteins and gently mix everything with a spoon. The cup of the pressure cooker is greased with a cream butter, spread a little curd mass, spread and cover with a layer of berries. Top the rest of the curd mass and cover the device with a lid. The valve for the steam output is set to the "Open" position, select the "Rice" program and wait about 30 minutes. After the sound signal, the pressure cooker is switched off and the lid is not opened for another 15 minutes. Then gently we take out the prepared casserole, water it at will with berry jam and serve it to the table.

Cottage cheese casserole in the Moulinex pressure cooker



Whisk yolks and whites separately. Then add the sugar to the yolks and thoroughly rub it to a creamy state. Next, pour in mango, starch, put cottage cheese and whipped whites. Pour the resulting curd mass into the cup of the pressure cooker, greased with a creamy butter, and close the lid. We set the "Rice" mode on the panel and prepare exactly 15 minutes before the sound signal. After the time has elapsed, we do not open the lid, but leave the casserole to cool for a while. Then gently take the delicacy from the bowl with a special basket - a steamer and serve it to a table with sour cream or cherry jam.