Biscuit cake cream

For most of us, a sponge cake with cream is the sweetest memory of childhood. In fact, the history of making a sponge cake goes back to 1615, then the first time a cake was mentioned in the book of the English poet Girvas Markam. Since then, the technology of biscuit preparation has not changed for him, but the traditions in the preparation of various creams for biscuit cake have undergone various changes.

The most popular and basic recipes for creams for biscuit cake can be called from a huge number of only seven species.

Let's look at these basic types and, accordingly, the recipes for preparing these creams for biscuit cake. To begin with, we already have a basis for the cake - the biscuit itself, so we will not consider the recipe for its preparation. If you want to find several variants of this recipe, then you will only come across a different number of ingredients, but the technology of biscuit preparation will be unchanged. But the recipes for creams for biscuit cake were changed, subjected to refinements and additions. But let's, nevertheless, consider the basic recipes of creams for biscuit cake. They can easily be taken as a basis and itself, if desired, make the necessary adjustments. So, let's get started.

Sponge cake with curd cream

Curd cream for cake is considered not only the easiest to prepare, but even the most low-calorie. So, for a cream we take 400 grams of cottage cheese, 200-250 mg of cream, sugar to taste and vanillin. In a deep bowl, you need to beat up the cottage cheese with a gradual infusion of cream into it until it forms a thick mass. The resulting mass should not easily drain and creep. Add sugar and vanillin (or vanilla sugar, depending on what you decide to use). After the preparation of the cream, soak the prepared biscuit cakes and decorate the cake as desired.

Sponge cake with custard

For custard, take 3 yolks and rub them with 1 teaspoon of flour and 130 grams of sugar. Add half a glass of cream and bring to the stove until the density of sour cream (just do not boil!). 150 grams of creamy softened butter, rub with the remaining sugar, gradually adding the resulting cream. When the cream has cooled, add vanilla and mix well again. Cooled cream can be used to decorate the cake.

Biscuit cake with butter cream

Oily cream is considered the most popular of all creams. And it is prepared easily: whip 200 grams of softened butter with 1/3 glass of powdered sugar and enter into the mass of 2 yolks. If desired, you can add cognac or rum.

Biscuit cake with protein cream

For this cream, take 4 cold proteins and whip them with a few crystals of citric acid (you can take lemon juice) in a steep foam. With the gradual addition of a glass of sugar, continue to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Biscuit cake with sour cream

For cream, take 15% sour cream (about 500 grams), whisk with two glasses of sugar in a lush foam, add vanillin to taste and 1 bag of thickener for sour cream. Instead of a thickener, you can use sour cream of higher fat content, then you do not need a thickener. Refrigerate a couple of hours in the refrigerator and you can start decorating the cake.

Sponge cake with chocolate cream

Mix the yolk with one spoon of cold water, add 120 grams of condensed milk and, with constant stirring, respect the mixture on the stove. Add to the mixture 200 grams of softened butter and a couple teaspoons of cocoa. Mix everything well. The only drawback of this delicious cream is its high caloric value.

Sponge cake with creamy cream

This cream is the easiest to prepare - take 200 grams of softened butter and whip into a thick mass with 270 grams of condensed milk. Decorate the cake at will, without forgetting about the sides.