Twists feet - what to do?

The syndrome Ekboma or "restless legs" most often torments women in adulthood. There are quite a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, therefore, before buying drugs or using folk remedies, it is important to find out why the legs are twisting - what to do and how to eliminate the symptom will prompt the specialist after diagnosis.

Why does it twist my legs at night and during the day?

The main predisposing factors are:

In addition, in some cases it is not possible to find out the nature of the problem under consideration, especially if there is a meteosensitivity. In such situations, a link between exacerbation of vegetovascular dystonia and the syndrome of Ekboma is supposed.

What if I rotate my legs at night or in the daytime?

General appointments of the doctor consist in correction of a diet and a way of life. So, the patient is recommended to abandon bad habits, supplement the diet with calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition to these measures, muscle relaxants are used to achieve effective muscle relaxation and prevent convulsions. In addition, you can take drugs that improve the activity of the brain (nootropics).

Treatment procedures are important to select individually, given the age and characteristics of the body, as well as the cause of the disease. In the pathologies of the vascular system and blood circulation, funds that dilute blood and improve the patency of capillaries are prescribed, for example:

Among topical medications, ointments, heparin-based gels, horse chestnut extracts are most effective:

Physiotherapy, such as massage, rubbing, darsonvalization can also help. A good effect produces a course of magnetic or impulse action, acupuncture.

One of the simple but effective methods is the temperature drop. Before going to bed, you should hold your feet first under hot water, and then - under a cold shower. After the procedure, it is advisable to make an intensive massage of the extremities using a mixture of olive oil and sea salt, lemon and garlic juice.

What if you rotate the calves and raise the temperature?

The symptoms in question suggest that the body has an inflammatory process, most likely affecting the venous walls. This condition is fraught with dangerous clinical manifestations in the form of severe forms of insufficiency of blood vessels, varicose veins, the formation of blood clots.

If there is an increase in temperature, first of all it is important to stop inflammation and pain (Nimesil, Nimesulid). After this, measures should be taken to facilitate blood flow and normalize the permeability of the walls of arteries and veins, strengthen them, and increase elasticity.

Why does it twist your toes?

Such violations, as a rule, are typical for deforming arthrosis in early form. To avoid the progression of the disease and a significant change in the joints, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. To change shoes, it should be as comfortable as possible, if possible - orthopedic.
  2. Enrich the diet with gelatin, products with potassium and calcium.
  3. Reduce the amount of salt consumed.
  4. Take chondroprotectors and B vitamins.