Diet on melon

Melon - a healing and mouth-watering fruit delicacy. In addition, with her help, you can easily lose weight. Diet on melon, with strict observance of all rules and proportions allows you to lose minus 10 kg per week. Distinctive features of the melon diet are that this fruit very well saturates the body, losing weight so that people will not be afraid of hunger pangs. Moreover, these delicacies fill the body with liquid, as well as an excellent diuretic and laxative, which contributes to the complete cleansing of the body.

Watermelon and melon diet

Melon and watermelon have long been famous for their healing and cleansing properties. No wonder they are used in various diets. The essence of the diet on watermelon and melon is that the watermelon should be eaten after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and melon instead of an extra breakfast and a snack. During the day, it is also permissible to have a snack with melons or watermelon, but it is recommended not to eat more than a kilo of fruits per day.

If a decision is made to lose weight with a melon diet, it will certainly be interesting what is included in its menu. Consider two of the most common variations.

Diet menu on melon

First option:

  1. Instead of breakfast 400 g melon, during lunch - a glass of 1% kefir.
  2. Lunch will consist of 400 g of delicacies, a small portion of cooked rice, a glass of herbal tea (sugar is not added).
  3. Afternoon tea should be replaced with green tea without sugar, a slice of Borodino bread , with butter.
  4. During dinner, a small portion of any cooked porridge or potatoes, a small piece of cooked low-fat meat, vegetable salad.

Daily it is important to eat 1.5 kg of melon pulp from 16-00 to 20-00 instead of dinner.

The second option:

  1. Every day for breakfast - rice with soy sauce, a glass of cranberry, cranberry or crimson infusion.
  2. On the 1st and 4th day, 200 grams of vegetable salad with olive oil are eaten. Drink a glass of apple infusion, for dinner - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. 2nd and 5th day - a small portion of salad from vegetables, 150 g of boiled fish, a glass of green or herbal unsweetened tea.
  4. 3rd and 6th day - a small portion of salad from boiled carrots or beets, 1 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, a little omelet, 250 ml of green or herbal tea without sugar.
  5. The last, the 7th and final day - 150 g of boiled chicken meat, a salad of vegetables, with the addition of olive oil .

Such a diet can not be repeated too often. No more than 1 time in 2 months.

It is important to know that the melon diet refers to mono-diets. It can not be spent more than 7 days.