Stretching: Exercises

Stretching (or stretching) is not only an immeasurably significant part of any set of exercises, but also an incredibly useful action that in itself has an excellent effect on the body. You do not need to follow an example: stretching exercises are the basis of yoga, and yoga has a very good influence on the body and mood.

Stretching effect

Stretching classes are not only an important part of the warm-up or hitching, which allows you to relax your muscles and thereby avoid a strong pain syndrome after training. The impact of stretching lessons on the human body is much broader:

  1. Stretching for the feet has a general stimulating effect on blood circulation and even lymphatic circulation.
  2. Even the simplest stretching exercises for beginners have a powerful relaxing effect, and therefore relieve not only physical pain, but also disorders of the body caused by stress of the nervous system or a stressful situation.
  3. Strength stretching will allow you to feel slim and flexible, besides, constant training inevitably leads to better posture.
  4. Even if you practice stretching at home, these exercises will have a great effect on the body as a whole and will somewhat slow down the aging process, allowing you to be beautiful for many years.

If you use also relaxing music for stretching, then classes will inevitably lead you into a calm and blissful disposition of the spirit.

Stretching: a set of exercises

While performing the exercise, be sure to watch your breathing: it does not need to be delayed, it is important that it is smooth and rhythmic. So, the complex itself consists of 10 simple exercises:

  1. Standing on tiptoe, raise your hands up and stretch with pleasure, while lifting your arms, shoulders and chest. Hold for 5 seconds.
  2. While standing, bring your hands behind your back, fasten the palms to the lock, tighten the belly, trying to reach the back of the navel, and lean forward as low as possible. The back should be flat, not rounded! Hold the position for 15-20 seconds.
  3. From the standing position, bend your knees and lean forward, in this position, touch the floor with your hands. After that, straighten your knees and hold in position 15-20 seconds. Then, bend your back and slowly bend your legs to return to their original position.
  4. Rise steadily, draw in your stomach, put your legs apart and lift the chest. Place your right hand on the upper part of your right hip, and lift your left hand high above your head. Raise your hand to the right, as if trying to push the wall. Hold for 15 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the other hand.
  5. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, palms on the floor. With your right leg, slide to the side, bend your left leg (not lifting the heel off the floor). Hold for 15 seconds.
  6. Lie on your back, pull your right knee to your chest and hold it for 5 seconds. Repeat with a straight leg for 10 seconds. Perform for the left leg.
  7. Lie on your back, both knees pull to the chest, while tilting your head to your knees. Hold for 15 seconds.
  8. Lie on your back, both knees pull to the chest, grab the feet with your hands. Slowly fully straighten your legs (or to start - to the maximum possible position). Hold for 15 seconds.
  9. Sit on the floor in Turkish, tilt your head to the side, trying to lay it on your shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Perform for the other side. Repeat twice.
  10. Sit on the floor in Turkish, turn your head and peer over your shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat for the other side.

By the way, many use stretching for weight loss - for example, regularly stretching the muscles of the calves of the legs, you will reduce their volume! Similarly, it works for other parts of the body.