Caviar from caviar - the best recipes of a popular delicious snack

Caviar from zucchini has long been famous not only for its amazing taste characteristics. The balanced valuable composition of snacks and its low caloric intake recently, with the growing trend towards healthy nutrition, are especially in demand.

How to cook caviar?

If you need caviar as in a store or a hundred times tastier, you can do the same at home. Products will need the simplest, and the right proportions and appropriate recommendations of recipes will help to effectively implement the technology and enjoy the excellent taste of ready-made snacks.

  1. Zucchini can be used in different maturity. Elderly specimens relieve skin and inner flesh with seeds.
  2. Vegetables can be stewed, cut into random slices and shredded by the blender on readiness, or initially twist the ingredients through a meat grinder and boil the prescription time.
  3. The sterilized and hermetically sealed caviar caviar is perfectly preserved for a year even under room conditions.

Spicy salted caviar

Especially popular is domestic caviar with ostrinkoy. The effect is achieved due to the presence of hot pepper, the amount of which can be varied to taste. The pods relieve the seeds and crush together with other vegetable components, without forgetting to put gloves on their hands.



  1. Prepare vegetables, grind in a meat grinder or in a blender, add oil, salt, sugar.
  2. Have a container with vegetable mass on the stove and simmer on a quiet fire, stirring, 2 hours.
  3. Stir the hot pepper and tomato paste, continue to languish for 2 more hours.
  4. Delicious squash caviar is packaged in a sterile container, corked and wrapped until completely cooled.

Cabbage caviar with mayonnaise

The following recipe of caviar with mayonnaise will please those who strive to speed up the process of cooking the billet. The dish is prepared without the addition of carrots, which reduces the time of heat treatment. Already after one hour of languor, the vegetable mass will become soft and will have a creamy pleasant texture.



  1. The crushed vegetables are placed in a suitable container, the remaining components are added from the list and the workpiece is placed on the plate.
  2. After boiling, reduce heat and weigh for 1 hour.
  3. The cooking of caviar is completed by capping the cans with the preform, which is placed under the blanket until it cools.

Caviar from zucchini and eggplant

Ketchikovo-eggplant caviar, cooked in view of the recommendations set forth below, has a pleasant balanced taste and special saturation. In order not to spoil the taste of the snack with bitter taste, eggplants are cut, salted, left for 15 minutes, then washed thoroughly under running water and dried.



  1. Prepare and cut into cubes all the vegetables.
  2. Pass onion in oil and carrots.
  3. Add alternately eggplant, zucchini, pepper, tomatoes, season the mass and tinned under the lid for 1 hour.
  4. Grind a well-blasted substance with a blender, bring to the desired taste with spices.
  5. When preparing snacks for long-term storage, pack the weight in cans, sterilize for 20 minutes, cap.

Caviar from courgettes in a frying pan cubes

Many people do not like the blended texture of the workpiece. In this case, it's time to use the following recipe. Delicious caviar from squash will be whole pieces. The final characteristics of the delicacies will satisfy the most demanding critics and allow a different look at a seemingly familiar dish.



  1. Cut all the vegetables into cubes.
  2. On the oil, the onions and carrots are diced, zucchini, tomatoes, half of garlic are added, season with mass, cover with a lid, puff for 30 minutes.
  3. At the end, caviar with slices of zucchini seasoned with the remaining garlic, warmed up a minute.

Caviar caviar with tomato paste

Caviar roe, a simple recipe of which is proposed further, can be prepared for future use or as an appetizing snack for dinner or dinner. The simplicity of the technology will make the busy housewives happy with the saved time and excellent final taste qualities of the delicacy obtained.



  1. The chopped onion is dipped in oil, the remaining ingredients are added and tinned under the lid for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour mass with a blender until mashed.

Cucumber caviar with tomatoes

The next version of a savory snack is no worse than the recipes proposed above. Caviar is prepared from zucchini with tomatoes and onions, and special note is given to parsley, dill, basil and ground bay leaf, which should be added to the vegetable mass 10 minutes before the end of the heat treatment.



  1. Zucchini, tomatoes and onions are twisted through a meat grinder or in a blender.
  2. Season the mixture and cook for 1 hour under the lid.
  3. Add the garlic, laurel, greens, stew 10 minutes.
  4. Ready-made caviar from zucchini is served to the toe or sterilized and sealed for the winter.

Squash caviar in the oven

Many believe that caviar without roasting is devoid of special taste and can not be saturated. Realizing the following recipe in practice, you can be convinced of the fallacy of this theory. The final taste of the snack even without preliminary frying of components exceeds all expectations. This is due to a special technology that involves baking vegetables in the oven.



  1. Vegetables are cut into cubes, laid in a baking container, sprinkled with oil and baked under a lid or foil for 1 hour at 200 degrees.
  2. Together with the juice, the ingredients in the blender are ground, seasoned to taste.

Caviar roe for the winter

The best snack in the absence of fresh vegetables will be caviar from courgettes for the winter, harvested according to this recipe. Adjusted proportions of components and a harmonious combination of these will eventually result in a very worthy composition in all respects. The presence of the vinegar will avoid sterilization of containers.



  1. In the container, cut the chopped onions.
  2. Add squeezed zucchini, carrots, bell pepper, pour in the oil and cook for 1 hour.
  3. Add garlic, sugar, salt, pepper, paste, weigh a mass of 20 minutes.
  4. Pour in the vinegar, unfold the workpiece in a sterile container, cork.
  5. Caviar for winter from zucchini should be cooled in a wrapped form.

Caviar caviar in the multivark

Even easier cooking caviar from zucchini in a multivark . Advantage of the method is in the absence of a constant stirring of the vegetable mixture. In addition, the device creates ideal temperature conditions for uniform warming up of the contents, so that the substance easily turns into soft mashed potatoes.



  1. Alternately in a bowl on the "Bake" fry onions with carrots and zucchini.
  2. Grind fried vegetables with a blender or a meat grinder and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Add tomato, salt, sugar, pepper, paste, mix.
  4. Continue the "Quenching" mode for another 20 minutes.