What is useful for white currants?

White currant is not as popular as red and black, but in some of the household plots you can still see small bushes strewn with white berries. There is even a proverb, the meaning of which is as follows: black currant is for grandchildren, red is for children, and white is for oneself.

How is white currant useful and what is its harm?

Regular use of berries in fresh form favorably affects the work of the whole organism. Many are interested in how many calories are in the white currant and whether it is possible to use it during the period of weight loss. Berries for vitamin composition are similar to their red and black counterparts, which means they can replace each other.

The main advantage of berries is the presence of a large amount of pectin substances, which help to remove salts of heavy metals and harmful substances from the body. Calorie content of the berry is low and is only 42 kcal per 100 g.

White berries contain vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system and improves eyesight. It is useful to use such berries to smokers, as they resist the negative effect of tobacco smoke. Thanks to the presence of vitamin E, white currant slows down the aging process. Scientists have long called the white currant "the elixir of youth."

It should be said that not only berries, but leaflets also have beneficial properties. They can be used fresh, as well as harvested for the future. Currant leaves are suitable for brewing tea, and they can also be used in medicinal herbal mixtures. Infusions based on leaflets are recommended for use with urolithiasis and ulceration.

How useful white currant for weight loss:

  1. It was found experimentally that after 1.5 hours after ingestion, the berries activate the metabolic process.
  2. The usefulness of white currant is due to the presence of B vitamins, which take an active part in the synthesis of fats and proteins. They also have a positive effect on the work of the nervous system.
  3. Berries help to excrete "bad" cholesterol from the body.
  4. Organic acids contained in the white currant, fight intestinal infections, thereby improving the digestive system.

Harm from the white currant on themselves can be felt by people with increased acidity and ulcers.

How to use?

White currants can be used to prepare various dishes that can be eaten during a diet. Still on the basis of berries prepare various drinks, such as fruit drinks and compotes, which not only quench your thirst, but also saturate us with vitamins that are abundant in the white currant (vitamins B, beta-carotene, vitamins C , A, E, F).

The therapeutic properties of white currants are not only in the vitamin composition, but also in a rich content of nutrients, such as: magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.

Due to the lack of coloring agents, this berry is suitable for the most avid allergy sufferers. The use of white currants is difficult to overestimate, since there are no such systems and human organs, which would not have a beneficial effect this berry.