Humus - calorie content

The modern trend in the world of diets is vegetarianism. At the heart of this philosophy of nutrition is the principle of not using the food of animals and the products they give. But in order to maintain the tone of the body and fitness, you just need to use a certain amount of protein, so the use of legumes becomes more and more popular as a source of protein. The most useful bean culture is chickpeas, and hummus, which is made from this plant, is extremely rich in protein useful to the human body.

Composition of hummus

It should be noted that hummus is a dish that consists not only of chickpeas, but also of other components. The basic structure looks approximately so:

Chickpeas are soaked for 24 hours and then brewed. In the finished peas add roasted sesame seeds, grains and garlic , the whole mixture is blended into a blender until smooth. In the resulting paste, add lemon juice and butter, mix thoroughly and cool.

In addition to hummus you can add your favorite spicery - sun dried tomatoes, fried onions, etc. Serve the dish as a sauce, or as an independent dish.

Hummus - good or bad?

However, using hummus, do not get carried away, because the dish is quite nutritious and about 100 grams of hummus contains about 330 kcal. In addition, in combination with bread and other products, the calorie content increases at times. It is impossible to say unequivocally that hummus is harmful, on the contrary all components that make up the dish are extremely useful, especially during diet and physical activity.

The use of this dish during the recovery period after the diseases will make rehabilitation easier and faster. It is also recommended to use humus to feed children, because a growing organism needs an easily digestible protein, which is so rich in chickpeas.