Soups for children under one year

We all are accustomed to eat hotter and can hardly imagine how dinner can pass without soup. But what about our babies who are still breastfeeding? How to cook and make it useful for the child?

When can a child give soup?

Most pediatricians agree that the soup is necessary for a child, starting at about 6 months. The most important signal is the first crawling tooth. Why? The body starts to demand another diet, other nutrients - the mother's milk to the child is not enough. The basic rule of introducing new products is gradualness. A balanced diet will allow the baby to grow healthy, strengthen the immune system, will promote mental and physical development, the formation of adequate behavior reactions and motor skills.

Soup recipes for children - general rules

The nutrition of a child up to a year should be combined with the peculiarities of the work of the gastrointestinal tract of this age. After all, there are still not enough enzymes that can process food. That is why it is important to carry out competent processing of products in order to preserve all the nutritious elements so necessary for the baby.

All recipes are approximately the same. Let's consider the basic rules.

  1. Soups are best cooked on broth from meat or fish (depends on the tolerability of these products by the child).
  2. It is better to cook broth from the pulp, pitted. Rinse the meat or fish, finely chop, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Then merge the first broth, rinse and pour boiling water. Cook for about 30 minutes on low heat. Then let's brew. We express. So we will keep the greatest amount of vitamins.
  3. For taste is very important slicing. If the ingredients are small - cut large, many - fine.
  4. Products should be laid, given the time of their readiness: potatoes - onion - carrots and cabbage.
  5. Add the vegetables to the already boiling water that maximize the benefits of the products.
  6. Salt dishes are not recommended.

What can not be added to children's soups:

Vegetable soup for children



Boil 1 liter of water, put the washed and peeled potatoes pre-cut into cubes, and rice. While everything is boiled, rub the carrots, remove the tomato peel and chop. 10 minutes before the rice is ready, add the vegetables to the soup.

Pumpkin soup for children

This soup, rich in fiber, vitamins, trace elements. After all, the pulp of the pumpkin contains vitamins A, E, K and ascorbic acid.



Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel, cut into slices. Add to boiling milk, cook until soft on a small fire. Add sugar, salt, butter, stir. Remove from heat, wipe through a sieve. Cool it down.

Broccoli soup for children under one year



We wash potatoes and broccoli, separately we boil. Beat the finished vegetables with a blender. We put it into a saucepan, add salt, add oil.

Pea soup for children

Cook like broccoli soup. Peas are better to take frozen or canned. In summer, perfect fresh.

Chicken soup or turkey soup for children



Boil the chicken breast, strain the broth. Add the washed, peeled, finely chopped vegetables. Cook the cooked vegetables and chicken in a blender and add broth.