Animals from felt

The most popular crafts made of felt are toys in the form of animals. They are always very popular with children, because they are very bright and pleasant to the touch.

Many people dream of having a turtle , but not everyone can do it. In this article, we will tell you a few ways how to make this animal your own hand from felt.

Master class - animals from felt

Option number 1

It will take:


  1. Print out the image of the turtle on a sheet of A4 paper and cut it into separate parts: head, paws, shell, tail. So you can make a pattern for making any animal from felt.
  2. We cut out details from felt: from light green - 2 heads, paws and tail, from dark green - belly, from dark brown - shell, from light brown - pattern on shell.
  3. We glue the paws, head and tail to the wrong side of the shell. Then we put in the middle of cotton wool and cover with the belly. The edges of the parts are glued together. After that, attach the second part of the head.
  4. We decorate the head with buttons, and the shell is striped, and our turtle is ready.

Option number 2

It will take:


  1. We cut out from the felt parts of the turtle: the head, half of the shell, the paws and the belly.
  2. We take oval details and embroider on them circles, and after that we sew them on one side. This will be our shell.
  3. We take 2 parts of the head and sew them along the contour, having deviated from the edge 2-3 mm. After that, turn the workpiece to the front side.
  4. To the belly we sew paws and a head, and then we attach a shell, put also face down. It is necessary to leave a small hole during sewing.
  5. We turn the turtle inside out and stuff it with sintepon.
  6. Sew the remaining hole and the turtle is ready.