How to sew a skirt with a smell?

Models of skirts with a smell you can see a lot, but they all have one thing in common - a wide panel that is superimposed on the front. Such skirts are convenient, practical, hide the flaws of the figure and never go out of fashion. If you do not know how to sew your own skirt with a scent, and yes even quickly, we offer a simple pattern and a step-by-step master class.

We will need:

  1. To sew the skirt with a scent, you should build a pattern, focusing on your size. The scheme for constructing the pattern is presented below. If you want to make the odor asymmetrical, consider this nuance when modeling the pattern.
  2. Translate the pattern on the fabric. Remember, the back cloth should be done with the fold in the center, and the front one in such a way that it can be deployed. In the proposed model there is a coquette, so you need to measure its width (3-6 centimeters). Cut off the coquette. Determine the length of the skirt, and measure this distance on the front and back panels. Do not forget to add 2-3 centimeters on the allowances.
  3. Set aside the width of the coquette on the front fabric and draw a vertical line from the dart at the waist. Cut the part. As a result, you should get two front and one back cloth, one back coquette and two front ones.
  4. That's how the full layout should look like before you start stitching the parts. You can start work. First, sweep both front coquette to the wide front panel. Then stitch them. Similarly, treat the back sheet. It remains to sew both parts along the side seam, and the skirt is ready. As fasteners, you can use decorative buttons, secret hooks or ties. Experiment!