Rumsteak made from beef - recipe

A classic rump steak is a piece cut from a thick or thin edge, sirloin or top of the inside of the rear leg of beef meat, weighing about 100-130 g and a thickness of about 1-2 cm. The rumpsteak is lightly beaten, panified and fried in a frying pan on vegetable or natural melted butter. Invented this dish in Britain. Currently, rump steaks are prepared not only from beef or veal, but also from pork, chicken, turkey and even fish.

Preparing a rumpsteak is not an easy matter. In some ways, the rump steak according to the preparation formula is similar to a schnitzel . Before frying, the meat is first dipped in lezon (whipped mixture of chicken eggs, a small amount of water and salt), and then breaded in light wheaten breadcrumbs or flour. To improve the taste in lezones, you can add a bit of ground black pepper and some other dried ground spices. If we are preparing a beef rump steak, it's good not to fry it in a frying pan, but to bring it to full readiness in the oven. The rumpsteak can be considered ready when meat is easily pierced with a fork and a clear liquid flows out of it.

How to cook a beef rum steak - recipe



From beef tenderloin, we cut pieces of fiber with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm across the fibers. We cut off pieces of beef from each side with a special chef's hammer. If it is not, you can use an ordinary spoon, turning it with an edge. We heat the oil in a frying pan, and at this time we quickly prepare the lezones. We break eggs into a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of water (or, better, cognac), lightly salted, sprinkle dry ground spices. Lightly beat whisk or fork (not a mixer) to a homogeneous pale yellow mass. Pour the breadcrumbs onto a separate flat plate. Each of the chopped pieces of meat first dip in lezones, then roll in breadcrumbs and - in a frying pan.

Fry the rumps on high heat first on one side, then turn over. The degree of roasting is a matter of personal preference. If the color of the crust is already beautiful, and the juice is still flowing pink - it is better to bring the rumps to the ready in the oven. However, if the meat is young, this will not be required.

Romsteks has a caloric value of 237 kilocalories per 100 g. The fat content of this product is also quite high. Carbohydrates can not be afraid, the amount of breading is insignificant.

You can serve rumsteak with any side dish, greens, vegetable salads and table wine.