How to make meringues at home?

Beze is an incredibly delicious treat, which in most cases can be organized spontaneously, with the appearance of unclaimed protein in the kitchen. Despite the simple composition of this dessert, it is quite whimsical and to obtain a positive result it is necessary to know certain subtleties of cooking meringues at home, which we will discuss below in our recipes.

Beze - recipe in the oven at home


For interlayer:


Preparation of meringue meringue at home under this recipe begins with the preparation of proteins. They must be very carefully separated from the yolks and further cooled. After that, beat the protein mass with the addition of a pinch of salt in a thick, thick foam, as they say until the sharp peaks. At the same time, we put sugar syrup. We pour into a ladle with a thick bottom or in a sugar granulated sugar, pour in purified water and lemon juice. Warm up the contents of the dishes on medium heat until melted sweet crystals, periodically tilting it a little in the process, so that unmelted sugar is wetted with the formed syrup, but do not interfere. We start mixing the liquid syrup so that it does not burn, and boil it for a few more minutes until the density of the soft drop dropped into the cold water.

Now, whilst continuing to whisk the proteins, we introduce into them a thin trickle the prepared syrup and beat the protein already sweet mass for another five to seven minutes, adding lemon juice in the process.

It remains only to form the components of pastry meringues and bring them to readiness in the oven. To do this, using a confectionery bag, we sip small drops of lush protein mass onto a silicone rug or oiled baking sheet and set to bake and dry in the oven, preheating it beforehand for this purpose to a temperature of 110-120 degrees. The time required for this is from one to one and a half hours, depending on the size of the blanks and the desired result. If you muffle the meringue to a minimum, then inside you get a hard caramel. At maximum exposure of the products in the oven, they dry completely, forming a meringue up to the middle.

Cooled billets are extracted from the oven, grease the base of each whipped with sugar powder soft butter and close them in pairs.

How to make meringues at home quickly?



This recipe for meringue suggests faster cooking, since it lacks the stage of cooking sugar syrup. Carefully separated from the yolks, chilled proteins whisk together with a pinch of salt until tight peaks are obtained, after which we begin to add one tablespoon of sugar, whilst continuing the whipping procedure. When the sweet crystals are almost dissolved, add a pinch of citric acid and whip a little more. You can complement the taste of meringue with vanilla flavor, adding whipping a pinch of vanillin.

We shift the whipped sweet protein mass into the confectionery bag and squeeze it onto the baking sheet, oiled vegetable or silicone drop mat with a diameter of about five centimeters.

We have billets in the oven, which we warm up to 110-120 degrees beforehand. We bake and dry meringue under the given conditions from one to one and a half hours, after which we leave in the oven after it is turned off until it cools completely.

It is possible, as in the previous recipe, to design meringue as cakes, having closed them in pairs. As a binder component can be whipped with sugar powder, butter, thick boiled condensed milk or any other viscous and thick non-moist cream.