Curd cream

Favorite desserts with curd cream can make a holiday out of an ordinary dinner. Curd cream is used in the preparation of pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, straws and other sweets. All these masterpieces of culinary art can be bought in a confectioner's shop, or you can prepare yourself. In order to make the dessert tasty, you need to know how to make a cream cheese.

From the name of the cream it is clear that its basis is cottage cheese. But how to make a light air mass out of an ordinary heavy, non-uniform curd? This question interests many beginners in the culinary business. Prepare an easy, tasty curd cream under the power of absolutely everyone. From this article you will learn how to prepare a real curd cream.

The recipe for cottage cheese and custard

To prepare the cream, the following ingredients are needed: 200 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of butter, 150 grams of powdered sugar, vanillin.

Butter should be cut into small pieces, add sugar powder to it and beat it with a mixer either manually or until smooth. Cottage cheese must be wiped through a sieve and added to the butter with sugar. The resulting mixture is again a good beat, add vanillin and put on an hour in the refrigerator. Delicious curd cream is ready!

The recipe for curd cream with gelatin

To prepare the cream you will need the following products: 150 grams of curd, 3 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of flour, 200 ml of milk, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of gelatin, 1 glass of sugar, vanillin.

Flour should be poured with milk, stir well, so that there are no lumps and bring to a boil. The resulting mixture should be cooled. Rubbed through a sieve curd mixed with sugar, butter and add whipped yolks. All products should be well shaken to make the mass homogeneous. In the resulting curd mass should be poured chilled milk with flour, add vanillin and mix again.

Gelatin must be diluted in water, whisk egg whites until foamy. These ingredients should be added to the cream, mix everything and put it on the refrigerator for several hours. Cottage cheese cream with gelatin is ready!

The advantage of this recipe is that the curd cream can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. To all other for this recipe the cream turns out more dense.

Cream cheese yogurt recipe

Ingredients for curd-yoghurt cream: 250 grams of fatty cottage cheese, 200 grams of yogurt, 400 grams of cream, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Cottage cheese should be wiped through a sieve, mixed with yogurt and add vanilla sugar. Cream with sugar should be beaten with a mixer until airborne. The resulting mixture should be added to the cottage cheese mass. All ingredients must be mixed again. Obtained curd cream is recommended to use immediately after preparation.

This recipe of the cream can be supplemented with various food additives. For example, to prepare a curd-chocolate cream should be added 100 grams of grated chocolate. Cottage cheese cream with condensed milk (3 tablespoons) is more liquid and excellent for cakes.

Cottage cheese cream can be used for unsweetened dishes. Sugar and vanillin in the recipe should be replaced with salt, and instead of cream and milk, use mayonnaise. In the recipe for salt cream, you can add finely chopped greens and cheese. Cottage cheese cream with cheese can be used for unsweetened pies, as well as, vegetable and meat dishes.