Curd cookies - simple recipe

Cottage cheese cakes are a real delicacy not only for kids, but also for many adults. It is very convenient to take with you on a picnic or just on the road, but it turns out to be incredibly tender and just melts in your mouth.

The recipe for curd cookies at home



So, first we need to knead the cottage cheese dough for the biscuit. Cottage cheese we put in a bowl, we knead it properly with a fork, add the softened creamy oil and mix it. Separately sift the flour, sprinkle baking powder and salt. Next, in small portions, add the dry mixture to the curd and mix the dough. We sprinkle the working surface lightly with flour, spread out our dough and roll it into a layer, about 0.5 cm thick. Now take a faceted glass and use it to cut out smooth circles. Each dipped in sugar, folded in half and again dipped from all sides in sugar. We lay out the resulting blanks on a baking sheet, pre-coated with baking paper. Bake cottage cheese pastry with sugar 15-20 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

A simple recipe for cheese cake



In a bowl, break the eggs and add a softened oil. Then pour sugar and rub it all with a fork until a homogeneous mass is formed. Now we throw a pinch of soda, spread the cottage cheese and mix it well. When the mass becomes more or less smooth, begin to pour in a small portion of sifted flour and mix not a tight dough. After that, the grease is greased with vegetable oil, and the oven is heated to 200 degrees. Hands slightly wet in water, tear off a small piece of dough, we form a ball of it, and then we make a cake. The resulting blanks are laid out on a baking sheet, if desired, sprinkled with powdered sugar and bake the biscuits for 35 minutes, until ready. Then gently take it out, put it on a nice plate, cool it and serve it to warm milk or hot tea.

Very delicate curd pastry with marmalade



Cream butter put in a ladle, melt on a weak fire and cool it. In the bowl, pour out the cottage cheese, pour in the cooled oil, beat the egg and mix thoroughly. Then throw to taste vanillin, baking powder and pour portions of sifted flour. Mix the homogeneous smooth dough. After that, take a small piece, lay it on the table, sprinkled with sugar, and roll it into a thin layer. Using a plate, cut out an even circle, and then divide it into identical sectors. We use a striped multicolored marmalade to strip into strips and spread it on the wide side of each triangle. Fold the dough with marmalade into rolls and put it on the baking sheet covered with oiled paper. The remaining dough is equally divided into parts, rolled out, cut into segments and we form rolls with marmalade. We send the cookies to the preheated oven and bake until red. That's all, the simple curd cookies are ready! We transfer it to a dish, we cool it and serve it for a festive tea party or just for a mid-morning snack.